Chapter VII: Saving a Jedi

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Conveniently, Chewbacca did have rope on him. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

The Wookiee tied it off and dropped it into the abyss. Leia lowered herself down first before Han could protest.

A couple feet down, a dim light hit her eyes and her feet brushed the bottom. She pulled out her flashlight and blaster. The white beam confirmed a hallway of cell doors, heavy and bloodstained.

"Come down," Leia called softly. She didn't know why she felt the need to be quiet. After a few minutes, Han slid down, blinking to adjust from the pitch black hole to the barely lit corridor. He was followed by his faithful co-pilot, moaning mournfully.

"You said it, buddy," Han muttered. "This is creepy."

Leia couldn't help a sarcastic remark. "Not unlike rest of this place."

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah. I do."

It smelled of death. Grimy white lights flickered eerily. There was heavy silence.

The three heroes started forward cautiously, their weapons drawn and ready. Their breathing sounded very loud.

Clang! Leia and Han jumped and pointed their flashlights toward the sound. The beams found a droid head by Chewbacca's foot. Its eyes were lifeless. Leia found the rest of the body a few feet away while Han squatted down to examine the head.

"Looks like a IG-100 MagnaGuard from the Clone War." He felt the neck where it had been severed from its body. "I've seen Luke's carnage often enough to know that this was cut by a lightsaber."

Leia felt a twinge of relief. "So he has to be down here somewhere."

They continued on, passing by more sliced up droids. Their unlit eyes and spewed parts only added to the creepiness.

"Can't you contact him? Telepathically?" whispered Han.

"No. It requires the Force. Even when we were near this place, I felt blocked."

Han looked perplexed, but before he could inquire further, Chewbacca let out of soft, hopeful growl and pointed down the corridor.

"Where?" Han demanded. Eagerly, Chewbacca led them down the row of cells. Han and Leia had to run to keep up. As they grew closer to where Chewie was leading them, Leia could hear muffled cries. She urged herself to run faster.

Chewie skidded to a stop in front of a cell door and roared.

Han rushed forward. "Kid!"

Leia had to muscle her way between the pair to get a view. Curled up on the floor inside the dark cell was her brother. She could barely see him. He was holding his head, hands over his ears, trembling. He released a cry of anguish.

"Luke! Luke, it's me. It's Leia."

Slowly, the young Jedi raised his head. His normally bright blue eyes were dull and haunted.

"Leia," he whispered hoarsely. Leia felt hot tears slip down her face.

"Hang in there, kid. We're coming."

Han examined the control panel. There was a socket for a droid and a keypad above it. The digits were written in unrecognizable Sith runes. Han scratched his head. Even if he could read the text, he didn't know the code to open the door.

Chewbacca growled impatiently and pushed his way to the door. With a mighty roar, Chewie's fingers searched for purchase underneath the door to force it open with his mighty Wookiee strength. After slipping many times, Chewie finally threw up his arms and banged his fists against the door.

At the noise, Luke looked up and sent him a watery smile. "It's okay, Chewie. Thanks for trying."

"Can't you cut through the door with your lightsaber?" Han asked desperately.

Luke grimaced as if in pain then shook his head. "This prison was built for Jedi. The metal is lightsaber proof."

Han began to pace as he ran a hand through his brown hair. "What about the Force? Can you do some Jedi trick and unlock the cell–"

"I can't," the Jedi interrupted wearily. "There are Force-resistant creatures all over the tower. It's blocking my connection."

"And mine," Leia murmured.

Han yelled in vexation and kicked a nearby severed droid head. Luke managed to drag himself to his feet. The tiny window framed his pale face.

"Han," he began gently, "it's okay."

His best friend turned. There were tears in his eyes. "Kid, what are you saying?"

"It's okay," he repeated. "You need to leave."

"We're not abandoning you, Luke," Leia interjected firmly. Chewbacca growled in agreement.

Luke shook his head stubbornly. "You need to get out of here. The Y-Wing bombers will be here soon. I dragged us into this, I can't let you guys die because of my stupidity. I'll be fine."

Leia didn't need the Force to know her twin was lying.

"Look, kid. Either we all get out of this place or none of us."

Luke lowered his head. His shoulders rose and fell. When he raised his head again, he was smiling and his eyes were shining with unshed tears.

In a second, the smile vanished and he grabbed his head. Luke cried out and stumbled back.

"Luke! What is it?" asked Leia worriedly.

"The cries... the pain... death. I can–I can feel it. I can feel it all." He suppressed another exclamation of agony through gritted teeth.

"Luke, I'm here. Your sister's here. Listen to my voice. It's okay. It's okay."

While Leia consoled her brother, Han began pacing again, wracking his brains for an idea to free Luke. Chewie growled sorrowfully as he wrung his paws together with worry.

Suddenly, a spotlight blinded them. Han and Chewie aimed their blaster and bowcaster at the source. Before they could pull the trigger, a series of familiar chirps and beeps echoed happily.

"R2!" Leia cried happily. "Good to see you, buddy. What are you doing here?"

Han cut the Astromech off. "Doesn't matter. We need your help, pal. Luke needs your help."

The faithful blue and silver droid rolled up to the pilot, determined to help.

"Luke's trapped and we can't get him out. There's a socket over there." He pointed and the Astromech's head swiveled to follow. "Can you get him out?"

R2-D2 rolled forward and plugged himself in. There was a few tense seconds of low clicks as R2 picked the lock. At last, R2 twittered joyously as the door screeched open.

Han didn't wait for the door to fully open. He ducked under then stumbled back out with the younger man leaning against him for support.

Leia embraced her twin brother quickly and draped his other arm around her shoulder. "Now let's get out of here."

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