"Everyone this is Nina. Nina this is... Everyone" Yoona introduced me.

I sat between Yoona and some dude that I saw for the first time in my life. The atmosphere was really good I thought it would be awkward because of me, but they didn't really pay attention to me.
At least that was the case until dude next to me decided to strike a conversation with me.

"So you are Nina?" he asked
"Well nice to meet you Nina my name is Minho"
"Nice to meet you too"

I tried to keep the conversation as short as possible I didn't really have any interest in him I was perfectly fine sitting there and not talking to anyone. Plus I was a bit annoyed because I waited for Yoona to get ready and I was on my period.

"So... Yoona told me that you aren't really from Korea right?"
"So where are you from?" he asked
"I'm from the USA"
"Oh, so did you come to Korea when you were little or..?"
"I came here when I was 10"

He kept asking me questions and I was pretty sure that even an idiot would get a clue that I'm not interested and leave me alone. But not this one.
He kept asking me about all kinds of useless stuff like what's my favorite color, how tall I am, my favorite song, what school did i go to.
After about 15 minutes of interigetion I had enough and decided to stop him.

"Look dude it's nice that you are interested in me but I'm not interested in you"
"Awww but why?"
"Well first of all you are boring, and you were kinda bothering me when I didn't show any interest in you"
"Oh ok then, then what do I need to do for you to show intrest in me?"
"I don't think I would show interest in you if you did anything"
"Really? Let's bet?"
"Huh?" I looked at him genuinely confused
"You heard me right. We should bet, to see if you would be interested in me after one date"
"Dude...no" I said coldly
"Why not?"
"Because I don't have time to play around like that"
"Aw come one pleaseee"
"Just one date"
"I said no!" I yelled at him and got up to get outside.

After few minutes of fighting with a large crowd that pushed me around like a piece of garbage I finally managed to get outside somehow.
At one moment my phone rang it was Yoona calling me.

"Hey, where did you go?" she asked a bit scared
"I just went outside to get some fresh air"
"Are you coming back inside?"
"Yeah probably"
"Good Minho is asking for you"
"Actually I think I'll go home"
"Aww why?"
"I'm a little tired and I need to work tomorrow anyway"
"Do you want me to drive you?"
"No it's ok I'll call a cab"
"Ok have safe trip home"
"You have fun"
And with that our call ended so I decided to call a cab.

While I was waiting for it to arrive a few shady dudes offered to drive me but of course I refused. But this one dude was reeeally persistent and no matter how much I told him no he just kept on pushing. 'What's with these guys? Are they that thirsty' I thought.
Just when I thought I got rid of him he came out of his car and started to approach me. Not gonna lie I was a bit scared as to what he will do.
I decided to back up since anything could happen.

Just when he grabbed my hand I felt someone come from behind of me. At first I thought it may be his partner in crime. But when I turned around I saw Minho.

"Sorry dude but she's with me tonight" he said while grabbing my hand and dragging me the other direction. I tried to get out of his grip but couldn't.
"Just play along for now" he whispered to my ear.

He led me to his car and we got inside. After a few seconds of sitting in silence I decided to speak.

"I could've handle that myself you know" I said
"Really now?"
"I get that you want to be strong independent woman and all but the dude was twice your size so I doubt you could do anything"
"I could've kicked him in the nuts and then ran away"
"Yeah, in those heels, not a chance" he pointed at my 4 inch heels

Honestly I was in a bad mood from how annoying he was back in the club and then that random dude tried to pick me up, and now suddenly he is nice and acting like a knight in shining armor and I wasn't taking none of that crap so I opened the door and went out.

"Hey where are you going?" he asked
"Well home obviously"
"Alone? "
"Yeah, so?"
"Are you crazy do you see how late is?"
"So what. I went home alone plenty of times"
"Well maybe where you live is a nice and quiet place but this is Gangnam, at night this place is full of all kinds of guys, trust me I've seen things"
"I'm a big girl I can take care of myself" I said
"Seriously I wouldn't advise you to go alone at night"
"I called a taxi so i should be fine"
"Ok but at least let me wait with you"
"Why should you care" I asked confused
"Because you saw what happened back there. What if another creep approaches you"
"I have pepper spray in my bag" I said with a wink.

I closed the door of his car and went across the street to wait for a taxi. For the whole time I was waiting for taxi he didn't get out of his car.
When the taxi finally arrived he got out and went inside club.

Authors note

A wild Minho appears what will you do?
I'm just kidding, but now things should get a little bit more interesting idk about you guys but this smells like a love triangle to me.
Till next time love yall❤️

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