Nice to see you again part 13

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Y/n: when I say this I mean it. You're smart you're funny you're good looking you've got everything I don't know why you think girls don't like you from what I've seen and heard loads of girls like you

Taehyung: Wow. You really think so?

Y/n: Yeah.

Haechan: Well that was weird

Y/n: Shut up

I just thought of what she said for that whole day.

Time skip 2 hours

I was in my room on my phone and wanted to get some water

Y/n: No sit there

Jaehyun: Fine fine fineneeee

What are they doing?

Taehyung: What are you guys doing?

Haechan: Aboutto watch a movie

Taehyung: Why didn't you invite me?

Y/n: I thought you didn't like movies

Taehyung: I literally kinda forced you to watch a movie a few days ago

Jaehyun: I told you he would wanna watch with us

Y/n: ok fine leave me alone

She pouted

Jaehyun: I'm sorry

Taehyung: Move Haechan

He moved so that I sat in between Y/n and Haechan

Taehyung: Turn it on then

They turned it on and we watched the movie. After a while I felt something heavy on my shoulder.  I turned my head To see Y/n sleeping and using my shoulder as a pillow.

I found the movie kinda boring so I layed my head back and tried to fall asleep also

Haechan's p.o.v

The movie finally finished and I turned to see Y/n's head on hyungs shoulder asleep and hyungs head on here also asleep

Haechan: let's leave them they seem tired

Jaehyun: Good idea

I went to my room


Jaehyun: Shut up they are sleeping

Haechan: Why are you so gay towards me

Jaehyun: How am I acting gay

Haechan: You're taking your shirt off in MY room

Jaehyun: That's how I sleep

Haechan: You aren't sleeping with me

Jaehyun: Whyyy

Haechan: Gay guy

Jaehyun: I don't like the bed I sleep on

Haechan: Then sleep in hyungs bedroom

Jaehyun: fine but if I get in trouble it's your fault

Haechan: I'm not even mad about that as long as you don't sleep with me

He left my room pouting he's so gay sometimes.

Time skip morning

Taehyung's p.o.v

I woke up to see me and Y/n cuddling?

Taehyung: Y/n wake up

She just hugged me tighter

Taehyung: Y-Y/n wake up get up please

Y/n: MM

She seemed angry

Taehyung: Y/n we have work

She got up

Y/n: Whyyy

Haechan: Goodmorning sunshine

Jaehyun: Hey princess

I didn't know if he was talking to me or Y/n..

Taehyung: Wait what time is it?

Haechan: Its actually 7

Taehyung: Y/n we need to get ready can one of you guys take her

Jaehyun: No you're going upstairs anyways you take her

I just wanted to slap him

Taehyung: Do you want me to carry you?

She nodded softly

Taehyung: Ugh fine

I picked her up and she wrapper her arms around my neck and out her head to my chest

Taehyung: I'm throwing you on your bed so wake up

She said nothing. I threw her onto her bed

Taehyung: Make sure you get ready after work we need to get the rest of your stuff from your house we didn't get everything.

Y/n: Fine

I went back to my room to get changed into my suit as always

Y/n's p.o.v

What even happend last night?

Y/n: Wait

Taehyung: Please call me Taehyung

Y/n: Ok Taehyungwhen are we leaving

Taehyung: a bit late at 8

Y/n: Ok I'll get ready

He left my room and I got changed into my work clothes

Y/n: Jaehyun where is Taehyung?

Jaehyun: He's coming just sit down and wait for him

Taehyung: Okay let's go then

We left and the whole car ride was silent

Taehyung: Could you go and find Jungkook and tell him to come to my office before you go to your office please

He told me as we walked in the building. I nodded.

Y/n: Staff room?

Jimin: Oh hey Y/n!

I saw Jimin, hoseok, jungkook and some other guys sitting with them

Y/n: Hey guys in looking for jungkook

Jungkook: Right here what you need?

Y/n: is calling you for some reason

Jungkook: Ah ok

He followed me to his room

Jungkook: Are you coming in?

Y/n: Yes i need to also collect my work from him

Jungkook: Ok

He held the door for me and went in after me

Taehyung: Ah hello Jungkook

Jungkook: Hello sir

They smiled at eachother looking happy to see eachother

Taehyung: This has nothing to do with work but it's not a big deal either

Jungkook: What is it?

Taehyung: Do you think you could stay over tonight?

Why would he ask jungkook to stay over?

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