|Two: Electric Feel|

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If Cassius was being honest, he didn't understand why humans celebrated birthdays past the age of eighteen. Perhaps it was because he didn't have to face the inevitability of death, and therefore if he celebrated every single birthday it would just be endless. Not only that, but the notion that he would have to give his family members gifts every time they became a year older was insane, and frankly he would never be able to keep up with that. 

However it seemed as if humans loved celebrating anything. They came up with excuses to celebrate at any given time. First there was birthdays, then Christmas, Halloween and don't even get him started on baby showers. What were they? He thought babies had to be washed in a bath because they were so small, so what were humans celebrating?

That's what he used to think, anyway. But there he was in some human club, watching the most beautiful boy in the world drunkenly dance to the horrific music. Each time he swayed his hips was more sinful than the last, and now some of his bare chest was exposed, the pale skin peeking out of the white silk shirt that he had unbuttoned after getting hotter. He was practically glowing under the lights, throwing his head back so the light hit him differently. He was oblivious to the pair of eyes on him, droplets of sweat dripping down his forehead that could be considered unattractive, but instead it just made him glisten. 

"You haven't taken your eyes off him the whole night," Theo announced, returning from where he previously was on the dance floor. The vampire hummed, taking a sip of the alcoholic drink that Nick handed him when he arrived. It was a cocktail of some sort, smelled fruity and sweet which wasn't to his taste. But he had to keep up the human act, so he was enduring the disgusting flavour that invaded his taste buds. His friend watched him in amusement, noticing the way his face scrunched up in distaste every time his lips touched the edge of the thin glass. 

"Fuck, Theo I want him," Cassius blurted with a lick of his lips, chugging the rest of the cocktail before handing the wizard the empty glass. Eyes wide in shock, Theo laughed nervously at the hungry look in his friend's eyes. Just as he was about to approach Sam, the wizard stepped in front of him and gave him a warning look. 

"Want to eat him or want to... canoodle with him?" Theo asked in a hushed tone. 

"Canoodle?" Cassius repeated with a raised eyebrow. 

"Y'know... take part in naughty activities," Theo explained as if the vampire didn't already know what he meant, he just liked to tease him. It was rather amusing to attempt to make his friend explain the concept of sex aloud. 

Head thrown back in laughter, Cassius patted his friend's shoulder before saying, "You mean do I wanna fuck him?" Theo cringed at the use of the word, but nodded anyway. A devilish smirk graced the vampire's lips. "I certainly don't wanna drink from him, it would completely wreck him and he's too gorgeous for that. However I would like to wreck him in other ways." 

Theo choked, causing Cassius to chuckle. 

"You can't, Cass. You heard what Nick said, and he's a human," Theo reminded him. 

"Hasn't stopped me before," Cassius pointed out. "Besides... I like a challenge." He didn't wait for a reply before he confidently walked over to the red head, joining his group of friends on the dance floor. He and Sam immediately locked eyes just as the song changed and the bass became lower, the music louder and the dancing dirtier. 

Cassius took his chance. And he went into it with all of his charm, and all of the confidence he could muster. However he didn't stand a chance. Just as he began dancing next to the boy he was shamelessly lusting over, Sam walked off and disappeared into the toilets. Cursing under his breath, the vampire whipped his head round to look at Theo, who was quietly chuckling to himself. 

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