|Thirty: Do Your Worst|

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Sam groaned as light streamed in through a gap in the curtains, indicating it was in fact morning, or at least day time. The precise time, he didn't know. A heavy weight around his middle caused him to glance down at his naked torso, spotting the pale arm of a vampire prince draped over him as he slept soundly beside him. A small smile graced his lips as he rolled over to face Cassius, not surprised to see him awake, golden, glowing eyes blinking at him. 

"How long have you been awake?" Sam asked after a yawn, feeling an ache in his jaw after all of their kissing the night before. He wondered if Cassius even slept, or whether his shut eyes and stillness was all a ruse to convince Sam of thinking otherwise. The thought was amusing, and he allowed his smile to linger on his lips as he felt the vampire's hand run up and down in long, soothing strokes. His fingers were icy cold, causing the angel to shiver under his touch. 

"Not long." The Prince's voice was gravelly and rough, perhaps the only proof that he had slept. 

"What time is it?" Another yawn. Sam rubbed his tired eyes, shifting under the weight of Cassius' arm to peer at the clock on the nightstand. Though it hindered his movement, the vampire didn't remove his arm from the position, waiting for Sam to lie back down. But his eyes widened when he saw the clock read noon, and half the day was already gone. "We need to get up." 

But neither of them made a move. The vampire even had the audacity to close his eyes in protest, chuckling at the scowl he just knew Sam was wearing. "This is the first night we've shared a bed. Forgive me for not being eager to leave its comforts." 

A nip at his nose. The vampire opened a curious eye, an eyebrow cocked at the playful gesture. Sam leaned in to do it again, but the vampire halted his movements when he flicked his cheek, batting him away with a lazy wave of his hand. 

Much to Cassius' dismay, Sam pulled back the sheets, revealing his nakedness. Trying to hide his blush, he surveyed the floor for his discarded clothes, seeing his underwear at the foot of the bed. That was the first item of clothing he retrieved, feet padding on the carpet as he opened the curtains, uncaring that the rest of him was still bare. 

Cassius silently appreciated the sight, still warm and comfortable under the sheets- that now undoubtedly needed to be washed. 

Sam pushed open the door to the adjoining bathroom, pleased to see that Celeste pulled through on her promise of toiletries and fresh towels. Perhaps she'd let him permanently move in, since he didn't really have anywhere to go now. "I'm having a shower," Sam announced, before closing the door and finally ridding Cassius of his lovely view. 

The vampire was about to suggest joining him, but he instead took the minutes he had to himself to think. To finally process everything that had happened in the past week or so. 

Immediately his mind went to the page that Theo and Celeste couldn't translate, meaning the book remained a mystery, and was therefore useless. He really thought it meant something, and he supposed it did, just not what he'd thought. Sam was his soulmate, which had at least been confirmed, but now they were stuck in limbo. 

Everyone in the magic realm was still hunting Sam, and he thought the book would tell them what to do. Now he felt lost, and though he was overjoyed that the angel had let him touch him, feel him, pleasure him, he could still feel that looming darkness creeping up on him. As he had taken Sam the night before, he couldn't help but let his eyes wander to that mark on his back. 

He was the only person alive with the Death Whisperer's brand, and yet the assassin hadn't come to claim his target. It was another thing on the long list of things he had to worry about, and yet Sam seemed completely unfazed by it. He hadn't mentioned it since he had returned unscathed, almost as if he was unafraid, or had forgotten he wore it on his beautiful, golden skin. 

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