|Twelve: Hanging On|

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" Sam questioned angrily. He pressed his cigarette into the wall, watching it burn out before he dropped it to the ground. The vampire's golden eyes stared into his soul, igniting a fire inside him that he was unable to decide was caused by fear, or lust for the boy standing across from him. However if it was fear, Sam tried not to let it show. But part of him knew that Cassius would never hurt him. If the prince was going to strike, surely he would have by now. 

"I can't stay away from you," Cassius admitted, finally emerging from the shadows completely. His all black attire blended into the midnight darkness, his white skin illuminated by the moon and stars. 

Sam swallowed the lump in his throat, unable to move any further away from him due to the wall behind him. They were the only two people in the alley, and he knew if he screamed no one would hear him. But he knew any noise he attempted to make would get caught in his throat anyway. 

"I'm drawn to you, Sam. I don't know what it is. I can't help it. You have to know that I won't hurt you," Cassius reassured him, taking a step towards the angel. 

"Don't come any closer," Sam warned, holding  his hands out in front of him as if that would prevent a vampire attack. 

Admittedly, what Cassius said resonated with him. Though he was ashamed to admit that the vampire had been on his mind for a month when he thought him to be dead. His heart burned every time he thought of the boy taking his last, dying breath. The image of Cassius in his arms constantly flashed in his mind, and he couldn't escape it. 

However this boy was a killer. He hurt his Dad, and he was the son of the most powerful vampire on earth. He had the potential to completely ruin Sam's life, and befriending this boy wasn't worth the risk. 

If his dad ever found out that he was this close to the Vampire Prince and he didn't shoot, he would be in trouble. He would never hear the end of it, but Sam knew even if he was armed with his bow and arrow, he wouldn't be able to bring himself to shoot. 

Cassius obliged to Sam's orders and stayed still, ignoring the magnetic force pulling him towards the boy. "I know you hate me. But I know how devastated you were when you thought I was gone. You didn't know me." 

"No, I didn't." Sam gulped. "But I do now, and I know that we shouldn't be speaking right now. You can't keep following me around, Cassius. My dad will catch you and kill you," Sam told him harshly. 

Cassius couldn't help but let his lips curve upwards into a smile. So Sam wasn't worried about Cassius killing him, he was worried about Cassius getting hurt. The angel cared. 

"Your dad will never succeed in killing me," Cassius boasted proudly. "I'm too good." 

"What about me? You don't think I'll kill you?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow curiously. 

Smirking, the vampire bravely took a step forwards, inches away from Sam's face. They were now eye level, and he could see the angel's blue eyes flickering from Cassius' pupils to his lips. He licked over his own lips, before parting them slightly. 

"No, I don't think you'll kill me," Cassius breathed out, his voice a mere whisper. Their lips brushed slightly, the sound of cars, sirens and the city drowning out the sound of their nervous breathing. Being this close in proximity to each other had both of their minds cloudy, but neither of them could bring themselves to completely close the gap between them. This was the closeness they had been craving for weeks, even if Sam didn't want to admit it. Every other thought was of Cassius and his dazzling eyes, and his stupid smirk, and that leather jacket he insisted on wearing everywhere. 

Suddenly Sam was flipping them so Cassius was against the wall, the sudden movement catching the vampire off guard. Their breathing was ragged, and the angel was almost as shocked with himself than Cassius. 

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