3. Fighting my own battles.

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Dedicated to @joyenthusiast_

It's true I became an inspiration but not to everyone. I still had haters here and there. But I handled them in the only way I know how to.

Mom and dad had finally decided to put me in a boarding school. According to them I was becoming a 'nuisance', can you believe that?

I am sure you are asking yourself how I became a nuisance all of a sudden, well here it goes...

Few months had passed after the incident and everything. But I still got bullied by my peers. I couldn't let that happen, so I pulled a few strings that's all.

What! It was a harmless prank I didn't kill anyone this time. I am kidding and how will I? I lost an arm, am not a monster.

So now my parents think what's best is to lock me up in a boarding school. What a night mare.

I was enrolled in St. Patrick's high school and am to transfer by next semester. I had never really been a fan of boarding school. What of my friends?. Not like I've got a ton but i wasn't ready to make new friends. At least not now!!!.

"June!" my mom called cutting off my trans.

"Yes Mom"

"You are going to SPH no two ways about it"

"But mom..."

"No buts, it is for your own good and stop your whining"

I had accepted my faith. My parents are loving but whatever they say stands.

The news of my transfer started spreading like wild fire. How it got out I had no idea. Some even said I got expelled.

"What bull shit!" I snapped.


So many weeks had gone by and it was finally time to 'walk into my own grave', you know what I mean.


That morning I was taken to SPH in my dad's RV.

"June! Don't forget your shoes, your sponge and your Bible. How many pyjamas did u pack?..." mom kept reminding.

Gosh! I was going to school and not being sold. I was beginning to doubt if I will ever see the four walls of my house again because of my parents cross checks here and there.

It was a really long drive and a very annoying one for that matter. My parents made serious threats towards me which they made clear were not empty and warnings they thought were advice from parents to their only child.

"June don't keep bad friends"

"June stay away from trouble, I'll disown you if you got suspended talk more of expelled"

That was harsh!

"June don't bring shame to my home with unwanted pregnancy"

"June do not join a cult group and read your Bible and pray everyday"

"June make sure you eat your food over there when given, don't starve yourself!"

"June obey the authorities and ignore every bad comments towards you"

You and I know that's not gonna happen. I am willing to fight my own battles. No matter who I was gonna fight.

"June keep your belongings properly so it won't get stolen and stay away from everything that can hurt you"

I know that! I am not a child for God's sake!

"June remember you are allergic to nuts, shrimps, cold.... So cover properly when the weather turn out cold"

They just kept on going. Even if I already know that. Why taking me to a boarding school if they thought I don't know how to take care of my self?.

"June remember why you are going there, so make us proud. So be the best not only in your class but also in the whole school..."

On and on they went. As they continued I rested my head on the glass while leaning on the door to my dad's RV... I love my parents don't get me wrong but they gotta know when to quit, like right now they are all up in my business.

The last four hours of this drive have been the worst but good thing we had finally arrived at SPH, we're my night mare begins.

One thing was certain, I was gonna miss my parents a lot and their good cop bad cop interrogations.


Stepping down from the car with my luggages. I heard one last thing from my parents.

"June we love you, don't forget that"

"Love you too Dad, love you too Mom"

We hugged for a while. Till they finally let go.

Did June's parents make the right decision bringing her to SPH? Will she face any challenges in SPH?, if so what are they? and what adventures will she encounter?... No other way to find out than to keep reading...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, vote if u did. Keep the comments coming guys, I really appreciate. Follow for more.

PERFECT IN MY IMPERFECTION.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें