18. Finding Anonymous.

36 8 12

Dedicated to powertino

I have never been this confused.

Who was that?

And who does he have?

Could it be kel.

Oh no!

Just then there's a knock on my shut window.

"Not the right time bird brain" I say thinking it's just nosy pecking birds.

I turn over to my window.

It's kel.


If Kel is here then who does he have?


I reach for my phone.

"No way! He said I got him not her"

"June I'll be gone for a while, be back soon" Dad screams from downstairs.

"Okay dad"

His absence will make this much easier for me.

Àhh shoot!

The window. I haven't opened it for kel. I walk towards the window as kel continues to knock.

Kel walks in and looks at me pacing around.

"What's the matter J?"

I ignore.

"Hello" He waves a hand to my face.

"Seb! Seb!" I scream reaching out for my phone once more.

"Seb?" Kel ask in confusion.

I put his number on speed dial and give him a call.

"Hi. Sebastian speaking"

"Hello Seb, are you okay"

"June? Yeah am fine why?"

I cut the call.

If it isn't Seb or kel who could it be?

I get a text from 'unknown'


Abandoned warehouse, Riverdale street. COME ALONE!!!

Who the heck are you? Why are you doing this. and who did you kidnap for goodness sake!?



"Why do you look so scared?" He reaches out for my phone.

He struggles and pulls my phone from my hand and reads the messages.

"Who's this? What's going on J?"

"I have no idea"

I glance to my wall clock.

It's 4:00. I still got a little time to figure out what's going on.

PERFECT IN MY IMPERFECTION.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat