1. My story...

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     I am an electric shock survivor who now lives with a disability for the rest of her life but I don't let that stop me. I am sure you will like to know my story...

I am not from a wealthy home. My mother is a trader in the local market and as for my dad, I don't even know. All I know is he doesn't spend money for anything at all. So our wired house was becoming faulty. My mom had told my dad to call an electrician for some weeks now but my dad will keep saying it is waste of money. Not like he doesn't have but he just doesn't wanna spend...

So where was i? Oh...yes. As usual my dad will always want to do it himself even though he has no idea of what he is doing. When the pipes are leaking, he "fixes it" and ends up flooding our entire house, when the chair is broken, he "fixes it" and my butt ends up on the floor during dinner time, when our car is damaged, he "fixes it" and we get stranded on the road for hours...

Soo...he just had to "fix" the wiring of our house. Am sure he regrets it and has learnt from it........................................

I just got out of the shower that early morning, don't worry, I had cleaned my body and had even put on my clothes. I had reached out for my books and began to read. I couldn't see properly and I reached out for the lamp on my reading table. Just then I remembered it has been bad and dad says he would "fix it".

I got off from the wooden crafted chair my dad had "fixed" and I reached out for the light switch in my room. Just then I felt a shock all round my body, I saw my life flash right before my very eyes all because my dad wouldn't call a professional. My parents rushed in hearing my cry. I couldn't feel my right hand anymore. It was as though I was paralysed from my arm down.................

For the first time in my life I saw my dad bring out money to take me to a doctor in the teaching hospital down the street. Just then I knew he actually loved me and didn't want anything to happen to me, so he felt sorry.

We got to the doctor and there I heard the worst news of my young teenage life... "The only way is to cut of the arm" The doctor said with a clear voice. Cut of my arm! I screamed. He said yes my dear but it could be replaced with a bionic arm. My dad didn't have enough money for that, or did he? I thought to myself. How was i gonna be seen as, what about school, my dance sessions, what of writing, that was my right arm. I felt completely deserted. What's this it?...

My arm was removed and till the miracle of a bionic arm happens, I had to live with my arm that way. I learnt writing with my left, I gave up my dance classes till I got motivated by my mother. She tried dancing in front of me one day, she did it all wrong so I showed her how it was done even without an arm. She told me dancing is part of me with or without an arm. I kept thinking of all she said, after giving it a thought i continued with my dance classes, even if other people told me I wasn't capable. I was looked at as different every where I went especially in school. I will see people staring, some with pity in their eyes and others just laughed...

Live was becoming unbearable for me, but what had happened had happened. So I advised myself to be the best I could be, the best version of my self, perfect in my imperfection. I cared less of what anyone thought of me...

I became the best dancer anyone had seen even with my disability. I was envied but that didn't make a difference. I refused to pity my self and so I didn't let others pity me. I had moved on and so should everyone else.

I even went on dance competitions with my crew "Dance 4 life" and we won alot of trophies, price money and made a name for ourselves. Finally I was called that girl with the disability no more. I was finally called June... Yeah that's my name... I would have mentioned it sooner that's if I was called by my own name...

Life took a drastic turnaround in my life and the sun begun to shine its light and smile at me... My story hasn't ended, it has just began...

Let's keep reading guys you will love it... Don't forget to keep the comments and votes coming. Let's be encouraging pls.

PERFECT IN MY IMPERFECTION.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora