Chapter Two ~ Goodbye Jentzen

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Sophie POV

 I am so happy that Piper is safe and alive. I honestly don't know what I would of do without her. 

Jentzen POV

The rest of the night was going great after the kidnapping, being in the hospital, and crying. I have something to tell the squad especially Sophie but I don't want to tell them because I don't want to make Sophie or anyone else in the squad sad or make them cry. even if I don't want them to be sad or cry to have to tell them that I have to go to Texas for two weeks. I really don't want to leave Sophie or the squad but I have no choice. My mom thinks I should go to Texas for two weeks because I need to relax and clear my head. After five minutes for debating whether or not I should tell the squad now or leave without saying goodbye. I finally chose to tell them now because if I leave without saying goodbye they will most likely be sadder. " Hey, guys I need need to tell you something really important." " What is it, Jentzen," Jenna asked with sadness in her voice.  

Writer's POV

After talking, laughing, playing games, and smiling Jentzen finally spoke words that instantly made everyone sad.

Sophie POV 

" I have to go to Texas for two weeks. " Jentzen said with sadness and a little bit of anger in his voice. " we are going to miss you a lot, " the squad said in sync. " But why are you angry," I asked Jentzen. " I am angry because I am going to leave all my best friends when they need me the most and because I don't want to leave y'all, not after Piper got kidnapped and hospitalized because of me. Jentzen said with a shaky voice and tears running down his cheeks. " it's not your fault that my ex-boyfriend is obsessed with me so don't blame yourself for something you did not do" " I love you guys and thank you for always being here for me, I am so happy to have y'all in my life and I hate the fact that I am leaving you guys for two weeks but I will be back in no time. Lev and Hayden, please take care of Sophie for me. Piper, please make no one hurt Sophie and make sure she doesn't cry when I am gone. Sophie when I am gone I want you to be your crazy and happy self and please don't change the way you are because I love you just the way you are. " Jentzen said with tear and joy and tears of sadness running down hid cheeks. " I won't change and I love you to Jentzen. I said to Jentzen with tears of joy running down her cheeks. : Don't worry Jentzen we will take good care of her. " Lev and Hayden said. " Oh and Jenna please take good care of everyone one and you are the best squad mom anyone could ask for. "  Jentzen said crying mixed tears. " Don't worry Jentzen I will take good care for everyone and I love you too Jentzen. " Jenna said with tears for joy and tears of sadness running down her cheeks. 

Piper POV

" I will take good care for Sophie and I will make sure she doesn't cry when you are gone, " I said while crying mixed tears. " I am going to miss you guys," Jentzen said while still crying. " We are going to miss you too. " the entire squad said in sync while still crying mixed tears. " Jentzen why are you tell us this now? " I asked. " Because I am leaving at five o'clock in the morning. " " Since you have to leave early in the morning lets go sleep so Jentzen can get up on time. " Jenna said. " Okay, mom. "said the squad except for Jenna. 

Writer's POV 

They all hugged before they went to bed. 

Six hours later

Everyone was up waiting for Jentzen's mom to come and pick him up to carry him to the airport while waiting he told Walker and Indi to take care of themselves and everyone in the squad. After thirty minutes for crying Jentzen's mom came and pick him up. Before he left he hugged everyone one by one and after they did a group hug. when he was about to get in the car he dropped hid things in the car and ran back to the squad and hugged the squad and kiss Sophie one more time before he left he sat in this mom's car and waited for her to drive off. Everyone wave at him and said their final words before his mother drove off " GOODBYE JENTZEN! " 

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