Chapter 25

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Twisterheart is here.

He's here. 

He's going to kill us all.

Panic shot through every nerve in Meadow's body. He froze as his eyes flew to the heavens as a massive shape came barreling toward them, a furious bellow echoing off of the face of the mountain. He felt extremely small and helpless against the power of the monstrous dragon. 

"Lilac!" Fire snapped, bundling the magenta she-dragon away as quick as he could. "Get out of here! Go warn Torch Mountain! Have them evacuate!"

The dragoness took off, darting away so quickly that Meadow didn't even see her go as wings bustled around him and his team took their defensive stances, Sun hanging back to protect Hillock who whimpered, but said nothing. The green hatchling twisted his head, gazing up toward his captain as the blue dragon growled and shook his head furiously.

"What's the plan, Meadow?" Fire growled, dropping into an attacker's crouch, tail lashing furiously behind him. A nearby clump of grass was immediately incinerated, as was the dirt beneath his talons. Molten heat rippled beneath his scales, and he puffed out a cloud of smoke.

ME? "I...uh...Cloud's the...the leader," he stammered. "I can't--" He stopped as he felt Cloud's gentle wing wrap around his shoulders.

"No," the blind drake said gently. "Meadow, this battle is yours. You've led them this far. Finish what you started now."

He...he's giving me control? Meadow didn't know whether to be honored or horrified. He wants me to lead the team? Why?  "I...I don't..."

"Meadow," Cloud said firmly as the smaller hatchling began to back away. "Seriously. You've got this. You've got a boat-load of great ideas. You have analyzed Twisterheart with a fine-toothed comb. You know how to defeat him. And in case you don't believe me, I can read your mind now, don't forget."

The others were all staring at him nervously, waiting for instructions. Sun gave him an encouraging smile and Cotton, still frowning, nodded her acceptance. They trust me. He couldn't help, but smile to himself.

He just hoped he wasn't letting them down.

"All right," he said, taking a deep breath and adjusting his cracked lenses. "The way I figure it, there's only one way to defeat him. And that's with Hillock's locket. Which means," He twisted to face the older sand drake, "you're the only one who can stop him. Meanwhile," he added, seeing the drake's wide-eyed expression, "the rest of us will have to help in anyway we can. Get Hillock a clean shot, and this will all be over."

"Roger that," Fire said.

"Aye, aye, captain!" Sun added. 

"Ten seconds," Cotton warned, her gaze still on the sky.

"Everybody ready?" Cloud growled, his head whipping back to his team. 

"Ready," Sun answered, flicking his tail and yanking rocks up from the earth to surround him. "Let's blow this sorry disgrace for a dragon back to the stone age." 

"Three seconds," Cotton hissed.

 "On your mark," Cloud said, ducking down as well, water already swirling up in a figure-eight around his wings. 


"Brace yourselves!" Meadow yelled.


Twisterheart gave one last scream of hatred and plummeted straight at them, the orange glow of fire already visible in the back of his throat.

 Meadow saw the flames before they reached them.

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