Guide to the Tribes of Dragnaple

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A/N: Just a little handy guide to the different dragons living in the vast universe of Dragnaple. Enjoy!



Home of the Raynbow Dragons. Residents here can be all colors of the rainbow, differing in size and shape. All with longish snouts, some with cat-like claws, some like bird's talons.

Ruled by: King Skydapple and Queen Glamorous. 

Heirs: Princess Cotton, Prince Steel 


Realm of the Jungle Dragons. Dragons of this world are usually bigger, have thicker armor, and prefer to run instead of fly, though their flight speed should not be underestimated. They vary in color and size, but most are brown or green, with smaller horns.

Ruled by: King Jaguar 

Heir: Princess Harmony


Sea Dragons populate this kingdom, which is almost entirely underwater. Dragons of this Realm are usually slimmer, smaller, and have fish-like tails. They are excellent swimmers and have gills to provide them with a way to breathe under the surface. Sea Dragons are always gray, black, green, or brown.

Ruled by: King Flounder and Queen Starfish 

Heir: Prince Current


The territory of the desert dragons. All residents of this world are yellow or brown with blue eyes. They have smaller talons, larger fangs (which are rumored to contain poison), and thin tails. Out of all the tribes, they are the most advanced in war tactics and architecture. 

Ruled by: Queen Rattlesnake

Heir: Princess Timberwolf


A vast expanse of ice and snow. Believed to be deserted.


A lush woodland of a world. Towns dot this Realm. It is known as a safe-haven for all dragon breeds, and a land of technology and science.


Home of the Mountain Dragons. Residents of this world are usually big, with huge wings and talons, and are brown, gray, or black.

Ruled by: King Swoop

Heirs: None


This distant kingdom is hidden away in the clouds above Snowfalle. Not much is known about this tribe, other than their abilities to manipulate lightning. They are believed to be all colors, but to see one that is not gray or white is rare.

Ruled by: King Stratos and Queen Hurricane

Heir: Prince Gust

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