Chapter 18

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Meadow wasn't sure which made him more uncomfortable; that the inhabitants of the mountain seemed to know who they were, or the way Cotton was staring at Fahrenheit like he was some kind of god. He didn't know whether to trust the strange prince or dislike him. 

The white drake had explained that he was a frost dragon. "A highly rare breed," he'd added with a heart-melting grin in the princess's direction. Meadow did his best to ignore that and focused on the dragon's words instead. He hadn't ever heard of a frost dragon, but Fahrenheit assured him that they were real. "The thing about us frost dragons," he explained, "we will only be found when we want to be." Meadow didn't understand, but the drake explained no further, and only led them to the foot of the mountain and instructed them to wait for further directions.

"Protocol, I assure you. Someone will be out to meet you shortly to give you a tour," Fahrenheit promised. "And I will be waiting for you inside once you finish." And with that, he'd swept off, his wings nearly touching Meadow as he passed. The littlest hatchling shivered at the sudden plummet in temperature, slightly fuming, but eerily fascinated. 

Just like sand dragons scales, he determined. Only they are ice instead of warm. He wished he had a way to document this. A frost dragon was unheard of to the rest of the realms. He wondered just what other unknown species he might find hiding in the mountains. 

"So, now what?" Fire inquired as he took a seat on a stump near the edge of the mountain. 

"I guess we wait," Meadow said, shrugging. He gazed around at the beautiful countryside. Since their arrival, several dragons had come past to watch them curiously. They all seemed friendly enough, and some had even given them small smiles as they hurried on their way, but Meadow sensed something else. They were worried. Possibly they feared being discovered by the outside world. There was certainly reason to be nervous. Even the air felt like magic. The entire mountain defied all rules of normality, and that only made Meadow more curious. What could do this? What kind of power was so strong? 

They waited in a patch of sunlight for several more minutes before anyone else appeared. Hillock fidgeted with his tail and Fire sidled uncomfortably toward Meadow while Cotton continued to sit up straight, her eyes shining as she absorbed everything. It didn't take much to tell she was in love with the town. It was so different from Raynbowfalles and its innovated cities that Meadow couldn't say he disagreed. 

"Look at this place," the princess whispered. "It's so perfect." Her head whipped around at the sound of hatchling laughter as a sea hatchling and mountain dragonet came barreling past and a glint of warmth sparkled through her gaze. "Imagine what these dragons have accomplished! They have succeeded in doing the thing none of the Realms have been able to. They brought all breeds of dragons together under one rule!" 

Meadow didn't miss the wistfulness in her tone.

Is that what she wants to do? he wondered. Bring the tribes together?

Is there some way I can help?

Surely there was, right? He was a smart dragon. If he put his mind to it, he could certainly find a way to unite the Realms. It was a beautiful dream. A dream where dragons like him would be free. There would be no separation, no reason to forbid hybrids. And then maybe he would know who he really was. He would be more than just Meadow the geeky hatchling with no past and no identity. He would have parents, a family, the life he'd always wanted. 

There's nothing wrong with being ordinary. 

That's what Cotton had said, but he still wasn't sure he could agree with that. He was far from ordinary, but he could never imagine being average. And somewhere, deep inside of him, he doubted his parents were either. After all, they must have been something special to break the traditions and laws, and their love must have been insanely powerful.

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