Chapter 8

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Night had fallen over the Dream Realm as Meadow led the two sand dragons through the shadowed woods. Owls watched their progress from the safety of the trees, crickets were singing loudly in search of mates, and lightning bugs illuminated the moonless sky, making the eerie forest seem just a little more welcoming.

"So, let me get this straight," Armadillo said, hurrying to keep up with the two drakes. "We're inside your dream, and we're going to meet the Winged Five? As in, the real Winged Five? The defenders of the universe? This is so cool!" Her body was trembling with anticipation while she held her wings high and her eyes glinted excitedly.

"Don't forget your brother is one of 'em," Hillock pointed out, nudging her playfully in the wing. "So, in a way, ya already know 'em."

"Not really," Armadillo replied giddily. "I've only met Cloud Star, and, to be fair, he was only half conscious when I did."

"The blue dragon?" Hillock inquired, a hint of dread creeping into his tone. "He's not...anythin' like he?"

"Who? Cloud?" Meadow asked, sidestepping a lazy tortoise and shaking out his wings excitedly. A flicker of electricity passed through his claws, momentarily lighting up the clearing and sending several lightning bugs scattering. "No. He's...almost the exact opposite. He may seem a bit scary, but he's actually really smart, and he's fair. And he can't read minds either. Believe me on that one."

"And he's blind!" Armadillo added cheerfully. "So, you can absolutely outrun him if he decides to kill you!"

Hillock paled.

"Armadillo!" Meadow snapped.

"Oh." She blinked up at him with wide, innocent eyes. "Right, yes, of course. You have absolutely nothing to be afraid of, Hillock!" She grinned up at the older sand dragon who looked...rather unsettled.

"He's not going to try and kill anybody," Meadow said quickly, giving her a disapproving scowl. "You'll see. We're almost there."

"And, we're here to talk about Twisterheart, right?" Hillock asked, trying to change the subject. "And ways to possibly stop 'im?"

"Right," Meadow answered. "And since you and I both saw him, they would like our input."

"And me?" Armadillo inquired. "Why am I here?"

"Because Sun wanted me to keep an eye on you," Meadow answered honestly. "And since Twisterheart decided to try and use you to lure us in..."

"Sun thinks I might be in danger as well," Armadillo finished, nodding knowingly. "I should have known. He's my brother. I'm quite accustomed to his overprotective nature." She chuckled and gave Meadow a friendly nudge as she passed and bounded off into the shrubbery.

The boys shared a glance before hurrying after her.

They trekked through the forest for the next fifteen minutes. Meadow listened as three rumbles of thunder could be heard in different portions of the realm. The others had arrived. He led Armadillo and Hillock to a small hollow in the southern portion of the woods. Meadow swept into the clearing, the two eager desert dragons close behind, to find his team already beginning to gather near a creek and a large cluster of stones.

Armadillo grinned excitedly at the sight of them, while Hillock froze, midstride. His eyes latched on to Cloud, who was sitting patiently on a large boulder, and he looked rather like he wanted nothing more than to turn and fly as fast as his wings could carry him. He looked back desperately at Meadow as the green hatchling emerged from the trees, and Meadow nodded reassuringly.

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