ready or not here you go

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As we were all walking down the hall, I turn my head and whispered my brother.
"Do you think they'll be mad?" He shrugs.
"I don't know, there's a possibility for everything."He says as we continue
walking down the hall.

We all get to the auditorium and take our seats, waiting for the android in charge of the school to walk to the stage. Almost all the kids start talking to their friends, including me and Greyson, and none of the teachers got after us as we weren't that loud.

"Are your ready?" I turn and ask Greyson, and he nods in response.
"I've been ready, are you?" he asks back.
"Mostly, I'm still nervous, but in a good way I think.." I reply back. We stop talking and I look to the small group of kids near us. They seem to be talking together, and by looks their giving and the pointing fingers I'd say their talking about us. I turned back to Greyson and whispered quietly.

"people are pointing again.."
"just ignore them." he replys.

3rd person pov

After about 10 more minutes, the head of the school came walking in onto the stage.

" Good morning students of Autodale, as you know today is a really important day for the older kids. Today they will become both pretty, and a model citizen." He said making gestures to a board, and the kids in the back.

" If all the kids are ready, we can start the 'ceremony' now." He said.

Y/N pov

We all stand up then get into a line, and walk down to the stage. I have Greyson in front of me, and I don't know whose behind me but they keep kicking my shoes. I turn my head and slightly glare at the person behind me then continued walking to the stage.

We get there and some of the kids are already up on the stage, me and Greyson are some of the last kids in line so well be waiting for a bit. The line slowly moved, and we all inched our way closer to our future. Time must have gone by quick because the next thing I heard was, "Greyson Grey, please step up to the stand". My eyes widened a bit as I watched him walk further away from me. I saw him pick up a pen and write something down, I don't know what but I'll find out soon. He was given his mask and put it it as he walked off the stage and back to his seat.

" Y/N Grey, please step up to the stand." Here we go, I take a deep breath and start walking. I make it to the stand, and I turn my head to see a paper. The same paper that Greyson wrote on, though it's not the same as his writing isn't there. I start to read the writing and it says:

Today is the day,
You will no longer be thought of as just a kid, you will become a model citizen. By signing the line down below, you will be given the right to be like the others. You will not be unique in any way, you will be like everyone else. You will be pretty.

I make an odd face at what it says but sign my name anyways. I put the pen down, and turn the the headmaster. He hands me the thing that changes everything, a mask, no my mask. I smile to myself and take it saying a quick thank you to him, before walking off putting it on.

I go and sit next to Greyson and we hug for a bit, before our attention was brought back to the headmaster.

"Now we have more people to be our model citizens, I expect you all to do the right thing. Remember to be cautious of new things, and always stay away from the monsters. Oh what a day to be 13"

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