Morning norm

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It was a normal morning here in Autodale, around the time where mothers would be making breakfast, their kids getting ready for school, and their fathers would be getting ready for work.


I was lost in a wonderful dream until I hear..

"Y/N time to wake up" someone says disturbing my sleep. Instead of listening to them I turn over,pulling my blanket with me.

"Fine that leaves me no choice but to do this" the voice said, and I hear for steps leaving my room. I snuggled deeper into my blankets and just when I was about to fall back asleep I was startled awake by ice cold water,making me jump out of the bed.

"Ahhh! Cold cold cold cold!" I say rubbing my arms trying to warm them back up.

"What was that for?!"

"You wouldn't wake up so someone had to do something.." my brother smirked crossing his arms. "Anyway hurry up foods almost ready, and dads about to leave!" He says shutting my door.

I sigh and and grab a towel to dry off, and put on my uniform. Grabbing my shoes and backpack, I head downstairs to see dad and Greyson at the table reading the daily paper, and mom still cooking. I put my stuff by the door and go to help my mom.

"lovely day isn't it Y/N?" My mother states turning her masked face to me.

"It is isn't it.." I say looking out the window for a moment, then getting back to making the food. "Question..." I say cracking an egg, making my mom look over to me. "Why did I have to have a brother..?" I say making her chuckle.

"You do remember he's older than you right, and stop complaining about your twin. Nothing good will come from it." She says making me sigh, as we start plating the food.

We then take the food to the table and I sit next to Greyson, and mom by dad. As they then both take off their masks and we all start to eat.

"So are you two excited for today?" Dad asks, me and Greyson reply with a nod.

You see today me and Greyson are getting our mask, it's a really big day for us, as in time we will become model citizens like our parents. And the best part is that no one will have to see our odd faces, as me and my brother both have odd marks on our faces and have them in many other places too.

It was quiet the rest of breakfast, and once we finished mom took our dishes and went to wash them, dad went to get his things for work, and we were putting on our shoes.

Just then there was a knock at the door, so father and mother went to open it.

"Oh good morning tom!" My parents say to the android outside.

"Good morning mister and mrs. Grey, how are things going this morning?" It asked.

"Oh it's been great, breakfast was nice. Everything has been perfect." My mother said.

"Oh good,and the children?"

"Greyson has been a bit of a handful to his sister, and Y/N has been just a bit moody. " My mom replays, as me and Greyson joined everyone at the door.

"Hmm , seems like everything is normal, I'll be back later to check on everything." He said and we all wave him off, as the bus comes into view.

"Alright you two have a good day, and remember stay happy!" Mom says as we get into the bus.

And now for the day we have been waiting for since we were little, the day we become pretty..

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