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We went onto the bus, passing an android that we call Gerry. We kept our eyes to the floor to save everyone from having to see our imperfections, as we walk down the aisle. Making our way to the area we always sit at one the bus, we hear other kids talking with their friends. I sit down near the window on the 15th row, Grayson sitting next to me. As we look out the window, the buss starts to head to our next destination- school. Passing by the houses on our street, we see all the other family's getting ready for a repeat of yesterday.

Finally the bus stops, and everyone slowly gets out me and Greyson being on of the last ones. We then head to our teacher Mrs.Ella, who is standing in front of the school like the rest, with our classmates lining up in front of her. We get in line and wait to go to class, on the way no one says a word as usual. We get in and take our seats, and everyone looks to the front of the room and waits for our lesson.

3rd person pov

"Okay class, today as you all may know is a very important day." She looks around at a few kids nodding, as she adjusts her mask."Today you all will start your journey to become model citizens, but before that we must all do something!" She says grabbing a stack of paper. "You're gonna write down what it is you have to to to be a model citizen." She said handing out the papers. She gets to the odd twins in her class and slightly looks to the android that monitors her class, but she continues to put one single paper on their conjoined desk. Finishing with the papers she gets back to the front of the room and heads to her desk to do her work.

Some kids sit there and think, others skip that and start writing..

Y/N's pov

Me and Greyson sit thinking about what we were going to write. I look over to him, to see him deep in thought.  I finally come to a decision, I grab my pencil and the paper and begin to write. I nudge Greyson to look at the paper, he looks over and nods, grabbing the paper and writes down on it. Once we finished we faced the paper down and waited.

3rd person pov

Once the students finished with their work, they all stood up and walked into a line in front of the door as the bell rang. An android opened the door ready to lead the kids to the auditorium. After they left Mrs.Ella went around the classroom to pick up the papers, as she picks up the twin's paper she gasped. The paper had nothing but their names,...it was blank..

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