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Nothing was completely different that day, aside from the same thing that has been bothering her the past month , the sun came up that day, the moon bid goodbye, a dusky blue sky replaced the depth darks and twinkling stars, the lights of the city shut down , to busy sidewalks and streets. It was normal.

That's what she kept telling herself, it was , everything was alright, the universe has no plot against me , she said , paranoid , she called herself.

She turned at the curb , driving by the towering buildings into the underground parking , and shutting door , and locking it as she got out . At that moment she didn't realize the blur in the sky as the clouds started to grey , and the thunderous boom that resounded, busy convincing herself everything was alright . But  as the elevator doors shut , it was already too late. The rain poured and lightning struck and quickly enough, her world was drenched , completely and fully, before she could even comprehend what was happening.

The weather , climate , natural occurrences , we have no control nor complete knowledge over. Even with years of studying and experimentation, you can't still ever be sure if and when exactly it would rain, or when an earthquake could occur , until it poured and the earth started quaking . Its still a game , and imbalance of yes or no , when and where , whether or not , a game of chance.

Just like life , just like tragedy, just like pain , a slap to the face so unexpected , the shock scares you more than actual fear. We know the probabilities , we know the reality . The familiar pull in our mind , as our body shuts down , and our hearts crushed right before us , stomped , tossed and yet still beating , broken but still beating ; And in honesty , that was the greatest pain , that it still continued with your heart in shackles, a never ending cycle of pain. And it will continue, never cease , because who could ever mend a broken heart.

She wasn't unfamiliar with the feeling , she wasn't clueless to the caged pain , the demons that pulled at her mind , the memories that shut her down , and the pain of still living with a broken , beating heart. As her eyes glossed over, the windows of her soul , were tinted , and the wall she had fortified with demons.

The question now , why was it that even through all the shattered glass , broken trusts and countless tears cried , she was aghast , when again she was left roll her tinted windows up, close the gateway to her castle walls, and her demons were out again.

Because that was the reality of Daphne Kingston, she thought, the reality of pain . Just watching and waiting , breaking and falling , standing by for when the light will finally breakthrough again.

That same night , as she shook and screamed , she watched the light in her best friends eyes let out , she watched the blood ooze out of her head , she watched the glass shatter , car flip , and her world being taken away from her , and she did everything she could do , screamed , called and cried , before the darkness took her , again.

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