Chapter Fourteen

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***SHAYLA'S P.O.V.***


We walked backed over to the apartments to discuss a few things. Or maybe a lot of things. Like, how did Darrell know? Or why Camden had run away in the first place. So many questions had swelled up into my mind that it gave me a headache. We mozied up the steps to Camden's apartment. We tapped on the door. No answer. We tapped a few more times, still no answer. I shot Darrell a questioning look and he shrugged his shoulders. I laid my hand on the cold metal handle an twisted and pushed. I walked inside and there were no signs of him. My eyes searched the entire room just to find nothing. Darrell decided to search the kitchen & living room. I walked to his room and still didn't find anything. I had searched his closet and under his bed even though I'm not sure why he'd be there. Although, he is a prankster.

I walked over to the bathroom. The door was shut tight, so I knocked just in case if..You know what I mean.I knocked with no reply. I opened the  door. I screamed on the top of my lungs. I knew for sure my lungs had exploded. I fell to my knees screaming continuously.

"What?!" Darrell came rushing into the room. "Oh my God! I'm calling 911!"

Camden was lying there limp on the cold bathroom tiles, his arm clutching part of the tub. No signs of life. I slapped his face. I shook his head. I grabbed his hand. His eyes were closed and already turning purple, along with his lips. Memories of us flooded and zipped around my mind. I was still screaming, but I was screaming his name. Tears rushed and fell onto his black Nike shirt. His eyelashes flickered.

"Camden! Camden, wake up! Camden!!!" I screamed. His eyes opened a little but not much.

"I-I love you Shayla. I-I  love...Love you."

"I love you Camden. I love you." I brushed his hair back. I kissed his swollen lips. "Stay here. Don't go, just stay right here Camden, just stay. Please. Don't go..."

"Shh..I-I'll be o-okay." The tears kept coming. Darrell had came back.

"They're on their way." He stated. He then walked over by Cam. "Hey bud, it's going to be okay. I promise. Just stay. I'm sorry." This is the fist time I've seen him cry since the story of his girlfriend.  In Cam's hand, was note. My guess, I suicide note. I crammed it into my pocket.I  grasped Cam's hand. It was getting colder by the minute.

The ambulance finally arrived. They threw him into the back and they drove off. They flew down the road. The sirens mad my ears ring.Darrell and I got into the car. I was shaking horribly so he drived. I puked into the back seat. I squeezed my hair, ripping out strands after I had let go. My mascara was washed completely away from all the massive crying.

We got to the hospital, hoping they could do something. We sat in the waiting room. My knees bounced up and down uncontrollably. My hands shook nervously. Darrell wrapped his hand around me as I cried onto his shoulder. My eyes were burning and my nose was stuffed up.

I couldn't believe this. Why in the hell did he do it? Why would he even think of it? Why was he so hopeless? But then I thought back of this morning. I must have hurt him. I didn't think I did, but I guess I did.

After a few hours I gave up completely. He was gone. He was dead. He walked out of my life, just like that. He took the easy, painless why out of life. I hated myself, I couldn't forgive myself. This was all because of me. I didn't know what Camden believed him. If there were Gods, a God, or angels. But I knew what I believed. I prayed to God, I understand that Camden's safe in his arms now. That he's okay.

"Shayla and Darrell, I would like to speak to ya'll." An older doctor. Bright blue eyes, black hair with flecks of grey hair. We got up and he lead us to a hallway.

"So I gather that Camden is your friend and you guys just happened to find him like that."

Darrell spoke."Yes, sir."

"Well all three of you are lucky, and God has blessed you all. You guys are lucky because we saved him. His lucky because he has friends like you. He's sleep right now, ya'll can talk to him when he wakes up. But one at a time so he's not overwhelmed. His parents were called and they should be here soon."  He sighed. "Camden had been on depression pills, so we think that's the reason why he did this. Suicidal thoughts were a side affect.

"He-He's alive?! Oh my gosh!" I hugged the doctor and he patted my back. He left and we had to go back to the waiting room for at least four hours.


Darrell decided to let me go first to speak to Camden. I blond doctor this time, led me to his room. He lay there sleepily. He wore a hospital gown with wires and tubes surrounding him. I puled a chair up next to him. He smiled. I grabbed his hand, it was warm now. He was full of life.

"I'm sorry, Shayla. I-I..." He drifted off.

"Shh, I should've just stayed with you. I'm sorry Cam." I said, sadly. We sat there in silence, not knowing what to say.

"You look so attractive right now. The gown, ah. It just shows of your lovely features." I said. We both laughed.

"Yes, I look quite well in anything. I'm just extremely hot. Hollister doesn't even have model's that look as good as me."

"That's something to be damn proud of Cam!" We laughed again and again. Exchanging jokes.

My time was eventually up, it was Darrell's turn. I sat in the waiting room alone. It was pretty late, so i drifted into a sleep. I had a shoulder shaking me, it was Darrell.

"Hey, look. His mom is here. Let's go see her." We got up, I had yawned. Grace wasn't here, so I had wondered where she was. I ran up to Cam's mom and hugged her. She embraced me tightly. It was slightly uncomfortable, but it didn't matter at the time being.

"Hey there," She said.

"Hey! It's been awhile. So I guess my parents know that we've been searching?"

"Yeah, but I told them it will be okay. Shayla, Darrell, Cam's so lucky to have you guys as friends. He really is."

"We're lucky to have him." I said, smiling.

She left to go see him. I went back to the chairs and slept. Darrell's lap was my pillow. I soon fell back into my deep sleep because I knew we were going to be here for a good while.

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