Chapter Three

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It's Sunday morning and I can smell the fresh brew of coffee that my dad most likely made. I stretch, yawn, and rub my eyes before letting my feet fall to the plush carpet. I walk to my bathroom and prepare the steaming hot water for a shower. I plug in my phone and listen to my playlist. The first song that comes on is "Apologize" by One Republic. One of my favorite bands who I went to see just two weeks before Camden disappeared. I sing along but the memories flood my mind of that perfect night, I couldn't ask for a better day than that one.


I look to my left and see Cam smiling. His dimple visible in the concert lights. He looks at me and he's bobbing his head around to the music. He was always had that smirk on his face.

"Having fun?" He shouted over the music.

"Of course!" I shouted back.

The next song that came on was Apologize. I looked at his beautiful face. Then looked at the band and how they were so mesmerized by the singing and waving crowd. Camden's hand grasped mine, he then twined his fingers in with mine. Cam was my best friend, and I probably wouldn't date him, but sometimes I couldn't ignore the affection that we had towards each other sometimes. His hands were cold as ice. Which made me shiver. We both sang to the song. I smiled at him. He smiled back. They preformed one last song. Then we left.

"That was... absolutely one of the best things that I've experienced." He was completely awestruck.

"I have to say. That will be one of 'em. Now, I'm hungry." Cam laughed and raised his eyebrows at me.

We found his old F-150 and got in. I buckled my self and threw my feet onto the dash. We listened to some of his burnt cd's and sat and silence or five minutes or so. His truck had his same familiar smell that relaxed me. Cologne, Coke, and his natural smell that I loved. Is that...weird?

"You're lucky that you are my best friend in the entire world because I'd never let on of my girlfriend's do that."

"You love me." I said with a wink.

"Sometimes, I think I do Shayla. Sometimes I really do."

-End of flashback-

Those words always replayed in mind. I never really believed them. That pickup is still parked in his garage. Just where he had left it.


After the shower I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, my Charleston, South Carolina longsleeve shirt and my black Vans. I pulled my long brunette hair into a side lopsided french braid and loosened it. I then brushed my teeth. I put my phone in my back pocket and walked to the kitchen.

"Mom? Dad? Elloooo?" I figured that they weren't home. A yellow sticky-note was left on the dinner table.

Good morning honey. Your mom & I had to go run errands. We're visiting Cheryl and Rob for lunch at the steak house too. We'll be back around five. Here is $20 if you need anything dear.


I smiled. Thankful for the day alone. I snatched the 20 and crammed it into my pocket. I felt the cold metal of the car keys with the jingle of the key chains that dangled from it. I shut the door and hopped into my car and backed out of the driveway. I work at Peete's Coffee Shoppe but I'm being a traitor this morning and going to Starbucks. I ordered my coffee and drove off to The Lake and sat at a bench. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that Darrell replied.

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