"i.." "Let it go Pixie, you will feel better, you will feel warm" He whispered and she came undone. He moved up and kissed her neck and then her mouth. Then her nipples softly. He was making love to her body trying to keep her warm. Trying to keep her awake. When the clock stroked four fifteen, he pulled her closer to him and told softly. "Sleep, you will feel better, I promise, I will be here." He whispered. Finally, he felt her breath even out.

Pia woke up feeling a little better. She saw her wrapped in many, many blankets and someone was watching her. It was her boss, and he was fully dressed in sweats and t-shirts and he looks freshly showered too. "W...what time..." "twelve in afternoon, Miss Ray. How are you feeling?" He asked. "A little better." She said. He touched her forehead, "Yes, it is better but you still have fever. And also, you were injured badly." She looked away.

"I...it was m...my f...fault f...for d...distracting y...you sir, I ... I am sorry for the inconvenience I have thus caused." She said. "It is not time or place to talk about that Miss Ray, first you need some clothes, warm clothes. And a warm bath will help with your fever, also, you need to eat so you can take your medicines. After you have done, we will travel to New York together, and before you say no, your friends have already given me permission to take you back with me."

His eyes were cold but she can see the eyes she met him with for the first time one hazel and one grey. They are unique and they are indeed beautiful. "Your bath water is ready Miss Ray, anytime now..." He was waiting. She knew what condition she was in now, last night was different, but now? She is feeling too shy to get up like this and embarrassed that he will see him like that again.

He noticed she wasn't moving. "Sir, if you..." He walked away. She moved her feet slowly trying to balance herself. She held the bedpost for support. After that she tested her strength. Almost falling down. But a pair of strong arms held her. "Little Pixie, why don't you ask for help?" He asked. He straightened her. Her eyes watered. "I...I am not even strong e...enough to c...cover myself. I... am..." He hugged her tightly not bothering with her nakedness.

"Shhh... it's alright, it's alright. That's why you have me next to you, don't you Little Pixie?" He asked stroking her hairs. He pulled a robe and secured it around her. "All better" He then led her towards the bathroom. "You will be alright?" She nodded. He kissed her forehead and let her go. She didn't know why. Once she closed the door, she opened her robe and saw herself in full length mirror.

Her body was the stark proof that last night did happened. She felt flushed. Her body was lined with red marks. As she closed her eyes all she could see was him kissing her, his lips against her skin. She knew it wasn't good to harbour these thoughts for him, because he was just trying to help her last night. And as a doctor, how far one can go to keep their patient alive? She still doesn't know why he did what he did.

When she came out, he made her sit down and then inspected her leg. "It is healing nicely, but you may need a tetanus injection, just in case. I have it here, when you were sleeping a doctor came in." She closed her eyes feeling the prick of the needle. "All done, do you like a candy for being a brave girl little Pixie?" He asked amused clearly. 

"Candy? What I am five?" She asked. "No, more like twenty-five still, you behave sometimes childishly." He gave a packet to her and said "Get dressed, then you need to eat something." "These..." She asked. "From the hotel boutique, you needed something warm. And down there it have some boots so don't hurt your leg more than necessary." "Thank you for this Sir. You could just have called Disha..." He pulled her closer so their noses were touching.

"I don't wish for you to understand this Miss Ray, but I really wish to be alone with you right now, and I too don't know why. Because you are a person whom I don't like much. But last night when your about to die from hypothermia, something strange had happened. I was compelled to save you no matter what it takes, and being me I don't do that for person who are in my hate list. But you, little Pixie, you have just done something, something bad or good I don't know. I just want to spend few moments alone to figure it out, because once we leave this place, whatever happened between us here, will just be a memory locked deep within my mind. The night doesn't exist outside this place."

Her eyes looked so vulnerable. "The kisses, we shared doesn't exists, and whatever I did to you doesn't exists, it never happened to us, nothing happened. It was nothing." She nodded looking down. "I understand Sir." She didn't shutter. "Good that we understand each other Miss Ray then." She looked at him with a smile on her face. "At least one of us do Sir." "What was that suppose to mean?" He asked.

 "Nothing, as you said nothing" She moved back and closed the bathroom door again as he refused to leave. "Forget this ever happened." Pia said to herself. "But he doesn't know he was the first one to ever get this much closer to me. He had my first kiss, he doesn't know, he was the first male that had come this close to me willingly and I let him. Why? Why his touch didn't felt bad? Why am I thinking about this anyway? If he can lock those memories, then I can too. I should otherwise, my dreams will be in jeopardy. I am doing this for my mother, I am doing this for her."

She came out fully dressed. "Eat up," She nodded and picked little things on her plate. "Is that all?" she nodded; her appetite had already flown south with his words. But that was what supposed to happen. A man such as Christopher Royce Woodland, would never ever going to go for someone as her and beside doesn't he have a fiancée he was suppose to marry? He never supposed to be doing all he did to her.

"Here, have this, it will make you feel better in no time" She took the pills and thanked him. "Are we leaving?" She asked. "Yes, we are. I was just get my coat and clear my bill, after that," He paused looking at her. "Pia? Is everything alright? Are you feeling ok?" She nodded. She stood up pain shooting up her right leg. She closed her eyes for a moment, and stabilized herself. "You shall use a crutch for a while. Putting pressure on that foot will only do harm than good."

"I will be fine sir. No need to worry." She said not betraying anything in her voice. She moved limping on her good foot. "Wait Miss Ray" He said and picked her up in his arms. "You should not put pressure on that" He said softly. She didn't protest nor did she said a word in returned. He placed her down on couch, and gone to check themselves out of the hotel.

"You are quite lucky child; your husband had turned this place upside down trying to help you last night." She looked at his direction. Only if she was really lucky. "I know, he is a good person" The old woman smiles. 

"I wish both of you remain like this together for rest of your lives." Pia smiled politely. "Thank you, Miss," Pia said and the old lady left. She saw her walking towards an old man. They hugged and he held her hand walking away.

Only if that kind of love ever existed. "Done, let's get you out of here, Miss Ray and back to your home" She nodded not talking to him still. He can sense her uneasiness. Was it because what he had said earlier? Was it because he said he do not wish to remember what happened between them last night?

Once their flight was in air, he told her to rest in the cabin inside his private jet. He placed a kiss on her forehead after she fell asleep. "I am sorry Little Pixie, but I don't think I am the kind of man you really like to have in your life."

Word Count: 2242 Words

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