LXXXIV. Murder's a common occurrence

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"I'm sorry." He whispers, snapping my neck.

--- 3rd persons POV--

Klaus watched as Alina's body fell into her brother's arms. "You burn down the house, you kill her, and i know you won't do that." Jeremy glares. Klaus suddenly starts to scream in pain, Bonnie walking up behind him, and into the house.

"Invite him in." Bonnie urges, a plan formed in her mind. "Do it."

They all share wary looks as Klaus glares at them, ready to kill. "Come in." Jeremy invites. Klaus rushes in, searching forward, growling as he falls again due to the Bennett witch.

"Living room, go." Bonnie demands. Jeremy quickly places Alina on the stairs, he and Elena running towards the living room like Bonnie had instructed. Klaus runs after them, slamming into a barrier. He furrows his brows, banging his fist against the barrier. Elena's eyes widen as she runs towards the other side, Klaus following, hitting another barrier. He growls again, glaring at Bonnie.

"Witch, you can't do this to me." He glares.

"You have no idea what i can do now," Bonnie smirks.

"I will hunt all of you to your end!" Klaus growls, "And wait till she wakes up." Klaus smirks, looking over at the unconscious vampire, "She'll kill you for sure Elena, and no one will be able to stop her. "Do you hear me? Do you?" Klaus growls. The three exited the house, leaving Alina by the stairs, Klaus trapped.

Around thirty minutes later the teen vampire started to groan awake. Klaus sat up a little straighter. Alina let out a breath, looking around. "Sweetheart," Klaus said softly, Alina's head snapped over to Klaus. She stood up, quickly, almost crossing the barrier, Klaus stopping her. "No! There's a barrier."

Alina frowned, looking over to Kol's body. "I didn't even... i didn't even think... I'm sorry." She whispered. A tear sliding down her face. Klaus gave her a sad smile, Alina grabbing his head. "I would've stopped them."

"I believe you would of put up a great fight."

"And i still am." She gritted out. "I'm not going to let them get away with this."


---Alina's POV---

I push the door to the Salvatore house, Max and Asher flanking me. "Partying without me?" I hum, walking in. Everyone turns to me shocked, "Oh, did you think I'd be trapped with Klaus?" I smirk. I look over to Jeremy, his tattoo complete. "Love the tattoo. Was it worth killing my friend?"

"We had to." Elena reminds me. "I told you-"

"Was i speaking to you?" I growl. Elena glares at me, clenching her jaw. "Calm down, Elena. You're not as scary as you think."

Damons eyes narrow as he looks over to me, "You're outnumbered here, Alina."

"Not for long." I smirk. "I've already made a few calls." My eyes drift over to Stefan as i let out a shaky breath. "I guess betrayal runs in the Salvatore blood. You know, Stefan, you really had me thinking for a second, that it was actually real."

"What was real?" Elena frowns, I look over to her smirking. "What did you do, Stefan?"

"That's none of your business, Elena." Stefan snaps. "We'll talk about this later?" Stefan pleads.

"I don't think so, because the next time any of you see me, you might want to make sure you're all there?" I smirk, "I mean, there are three of us." I say raising my hands, "And we get quite bored."

"You won't kill any of us." Elena scoffs, "You're all talk."

"I think you forget who has the power here. The three of us combined, are way stronger than you. And who's to say we don't have others waiting?"

"You don't have to do this," Jeremy tells me. "You know I'd never want to hurt you on purpose, but i -"

"Had to, yeah i know." I say rolling my eyes, "You know, this is getting repetitive." I sigh, " Now let's see who will i be taking out first?"

"Or we could just... surprise them." Asher hums.

"I like that idea too," I smirk. "I'm hungry," I say heading towards the door. I hear wood scrape off the table and i smirk, a second before the stake could hit me, i spin around, catching it, an inch from my face. I see Elena who has a murderous glint in her eyes, glaring at me.
I shake my head, sighing. "You were going to kill your own sister?" I say with a fake pout, "Well, if you're going to try and kill someone, do it right at least." I growl, throwing it back, an inch to the left of her heart.

She cries out, falling to the floor, Damon kneeling next to her. "Next time i won't miss. So stay the hell out of my way."





This was a shorter chapter, but i wanted to focus on her reactions and get the main point out.

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