Tension (JK's POV)

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The next day Tae and I got ready for school. I drove us to school on my motorcycle and we met up with our friends.
We waled into the school's cafe hand in hand and we heard our friends cheering.

"So you guys are finally a thing?" Jimin asked and we nodded.
"YO I know it! Suga give me my money!" Jin exclaimed. Suga groaned.
"Did you guys seriously bet on their relationship?" RM groaned.
"Speaking of which.. Here's your money..." Jhope said as he handed RM ten bucks.
"RM you did also?!" Tae gasped dramatically.
"Jhope we were supposed to do this later idiot!"
"I'm sorryyyyy RM!"
Tch are these guys serious right now?

Time skip (1st Period)

"I can't believe Tae started dating you! He is so hard headed."
"Jimin what can I say it is all part of my charm!"
"That is it babe no kisses-"
"That's not fair!!!"
Jhope laugh, "Aw poor ittle kookie. This is so sad. Can we get a F in the chat boys-"
Tae interupted, "If you don't shu-"

"Tae?" we heard a new voice. I turned my head to see a very angry Bogum. I pulled Tae closer to me as he continued.
"Are you serious right now? You have known him for like a month! I have known you for five years and you have not even given me a chance.."
"Bogum sometimes it takes more than just time for someone to like somebody else?" Tae sadly replied. I could see the guilt in his eyes.
"What does he have that I don't? I was there for you during your darkness moments and cared for you more than anyone else. So why? Why him?!"
"I can't answer that. Jungkook is who my heart chose... I'm so sorry Bogum. You truly deserves someone who makes you happy, it just can't be me."
"When he breaks your heart, because he will, don't come crying too me. My shoulder is no longer here you got that?"
"I got it. Thank you for everything."
Okay now I have to interupt.
"Okay listen here. I am sorry he doesn't like you alright? But seriously you are being a jerk. He can't like you back just because you like him! That's not the way a relationship works. So if you were truly a good friend you would respect his wishes after the countless chances he gave you. But you never did and still aren't. Also don't you dare say I will break his heart because right now you are hurting him more than I have ever and ever plan to. So please man up and grow a pair and then maybe you will find happiness through yourself instead of relying on Tae."
"Y'know what? I'm done." Bogum said as he stormed off.

Once he left Taehyung broke down on my should as Jimin, Jhope, and I comforted.
I hope Bogum won't bring anymore problems.

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