Curiosity (JK's POV)

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Why is he so serious? I mean he is so cute you think he would giggle more.
This isn't good. I just met him. How is he already engraved in my mind.

A lot of thoughts are going through my head as I stare at my ceiling fan.
All of a brunette who understands my pain as his own.

Its driving me crazy... he is driving me crazy.

He is beautiful. That is easy to see. But he is so personal? Unique? I don't know how to explain it.

What I do know know is I will do anything it takes to make him smile. I having a feeling its beautiful like him.

I'm whipped already. This is unusual.

I can't sleep so I decided to text Namjoon.


JK:  I need help..

RM:  That's never a good sign... what's up?

JK: what are your thoughts on tae?

RM: he seems like a cool dude ig.

JK: that's all?

RM:  i only talked to him a little

JK:  hyung..

RM:  don't tell me u already like the kid

JK: idk i think i do

RM:  bro Jin knew it! But you do realize he is going to be difficult right? He doesn't seem to get close to anyone easy.

JK: I have always liked a challenge plus i have a feeling i can help him with that...

RM:  well best of luck 2 ya. I'm going to sleep see ya tomorrow

JK: Alrighty gn

Well he didn't help at all...

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