Comfort (Tae's POV)

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I don't know why I told him. I didn't plan on letting anyone else know so... why? Why did I tell him? The last thing I wanted was for my new friends to look at me with eyes of sympathy. Yet here I am sharing my pain with a guy who winks at me.

Although I hate to admit it. Jungkook is good at comforting. He is just holding me rubbing circles on my back. I feel so safe. I feel...
No that's crazy there's no way that he already cares for me. Right?
But then why did he come to me? Why is he here to listen and comfort when I have been nothing but rude?

I looked back at his eyes. Those eyes that share the same pain and loneliness as me. I don't know his story. I want to help him also.. but is it my place?

"Jungkook?" He looked at me. "Why are your eyes the same as mine?"

It's like he knew exactly what I meant because as soon as I said that he sighed and looked up.

"Because I have shared a similar pain."
"What is your pain?"
He looked back at me once again and said, "My brother died."
He paused.
"And it was my fault."

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