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—[Intro]The Kingdom of MAV—

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The Kingdom of MAV

GEORGE WEASLEY HAD A SECRET WORLD OF HIS OWN. Well — it wasn't his, but it might as well have been. It was happening inside his head afterall and last time he checked he didn't share his mind with anyone else, therefore it was somewhat his world.

He didn't know much about it. He didn't know why or when he started dreaming of such a land, but to be frank he liked it. He liked falling asleep and be met with something so different and intriguing. He figured that this must be how a muggleborn first feels when they discover that they are wizards.

It felt as if a storybook was occurring inside his head, minus the reading part. A forest as big as the earth itself. No area went bare. Each step he would take would be filled with grass and tall trees. Flowers free of any manipulation stood tall. They were like no flowers he had ever seen before. They glistened under the sunlight and looked as happy as flowers could be.

Creatures of all sizes would either approach him or scramble away at his footsteps. None of which George had ever seen or heard of back in the real world.

Despite the large amounts of land, George knew he wasn't alone. Sometimes, just sometimes, he'd run into someone. He never remembered their name or their face, but he knew they were there. They called it The Kingdom of MAV.

He knew it was all just in his head, but it felt so real. It was so much more than a mere dream. It was almost an idealistic world. A world where money had no importance. A world where there were no villains, no drama, no problems. It was like all his worries just left his body the moment he drifted off to sleep.

Until those dreams came to abrupt stop and George didn't know what to do. He had never realized how lonely sleep was. It was just a dark abyss for hours on end. No excitement. Everyone knew how sleeping felt like, but not everyone knew just how amazing The Kingdom of MAV was.

He suddenly wasn't that interested in falling asleep.

He thought that maybe he's just growing up, his mind just wasn't as active as before. This was just a part of growing up, so he tried to forget.

It had been a normal day and he was strolling through the corridor with Fred and Lee. Fred seemed to be talking about Angelina for the millionth time and Lee and George felt that it was only appropriate to tease him. That was when he heard it. Someone mentioned it. The Kingdom of MAV. It was silent, but he heard it, he knew he did. He stopped in his tracks and spun around to face those who whispered the name.

He then realized that the voice had been so familiar. Of course, it was. It belonged to his friend, Ambrosia Hepburn. Daughter of a famous (retired) Quidditch player and semi-famous musician. And then his eyes drifted over to her friend. The girl he briefly met over the summer and fancied just a little.

The Kingdom of MAE | George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now