"Hey Totty. Everything alright?"

"Yeah. I was just telling Yumi the Red Riding Hood story but with a tiuch if science."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Let me get Dayon."



Suddenly, this head nutted shape man appears out of nowhere. He was dressed as "granny" while Totty was dressed as Red. You don't remember Totty ever changing into that.

"Ooh. Granny, what be eyes you have."

"It's because of genetics."


You were dumbfounded. How is this even better? This just makes things look weird. Yumi isn't even paying attention. She was playing with the small piano.

"What big ears you have granny"

"Its all about genetics."

"And what huge mouth you have."



"ItS bEcAuSe Of gEnEtiCs. wHy YoU hAve To bE MeAn?!?!"

"I'M SORRY!!!"

Then both began to cry in each other arms. You took Yumi out of her crib and slowly began to walk out of the room. This was too much for you to handle. You go straight to Choro, who is downstairs, reading a book about taxes.

"Choro, I need you to watch Yumi for me."

"Oh sure. I'll keep an eye on her."

"Good. thanks."

You go back upstairs, into Kara's room. Kara was taking off his PJs. He onky had his pants on. But seeing his bare back made you blush. And panic.

"Ah!- Kara!"

"Ah! Y/N. Don't worry. I am only putting on a tang top. I was getting all warmed up. I didn't like it. Sorry, I didn't expect you to come so quickly."

"Yeah. I just finished what I had to do." You couldn't help but keep glancing at his bare skin. It was clean. You stared at every small detail it had. What got your attention was the fact he had muscles. And I mean, muscle muscle. (HUSTLE HUSTLE). You could feel your heart beating faster. Your face warming up too.

He puts on a tang top. You were a bit disappointed. Up until you realize his tang top had his face on it. You were shocked. It look silly, yet interesting.

"Y/N. Do- do you like wh-what you see?" He stuttered. You never heard him stutter before. Where did all his confidence go?

"I- I uh...well,... you look...di-different."

"I see."

It all got quiet pretty quick. You tried to avoid staring, but your eyes kept moving, looking straight at his muscles. He looks so muscular without having that blue hoodie. And that dark coat he wears in public.

"Uh...so my angel~ What else can I do?"

"You can sleep. I'll be here on your side. In fact, I'll bring Yumi as well. I doubt she'll get sick."

You left to get Yumi. When you reach downstairs, you see Ichimatsu sleeping like a cat. Yumi crawles to him. Ichinatsu had cat ear? For some reason. Yumi grabs one of them, and began to pull. Ichimatsu let out a hige screech. It scared Yumi.

"Eh e wa wah wah wahwhahwah!"

"Oh no no no no. Don't cry. Please!" Ichimatsu paniced.

"It's okay Yumi. Come here. Shhhhh." You said as you grabbed her. You patted her back and make small circles on it. She hushed and rest her head on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry..."

"If's fine Ichi. It was an accident."

You went back go Kara's room. He looked a bit anxious when you arrived.

"What happened? I heard Yumi cry."

"Relax Kara. She just git scared by Ichi's screech. It was unexpected. She's calm now."

Yumi is put in the ground. She sees Kara on the futon. She crawls to him.

"Oh I'm sorry dear. I don't want you to get sick. Pleaee stay with Y/N while I rest. She will take good care of you and me." He said in baby talk. What's funny is that Yumi understood.

Kara was fast asleep. Yumi was resting on the futon next to Kara. She was falling asleep. The reason why was because you sanged a lullaby. These blueberries can sleep easily with just the music from your heart.

(A/N: I tried to make this the most enjoyable as possible. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading and please stay safe.)

Karamatsu x Reader (Single Dad AU)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara