Chapter 4: they found me

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It's been, I think 3 days since I left home to find my mom and dad. I haven't found anything. I have my ears and tail out so I can try to find their scent. But I can't find their scents. I can't find ANYTHING! I slam my fists into a tree. Then I sit down and try to calm down. I still have my bandana on incase someone passes by. I can't let anyone know I'm the ultima.

"I think she went this way"

I get up quickly and start running. I don't know who that was but I have a bad feeling about it. I keep running until I trip over a rock or twig.

"Ow..." I mumble

"I found her! She's right here! Ash! Thank Irene you're alright!"

I don't recognize the voice. I do a little bit. I don't know. I feel like my minds playing tricks on me.


The voice starts fading as my vision starts getting blurry


I fainted. How? Probably from not sleeping for 3 days.

We found Ash and she didn't look so good. I didn't see her face but I knew she didn't look good. Because she would've recognized our voices. And since when was she a werewolf? Is that why she wore a bandana over her eyes?

"We should take her back." Kai says

"Back home? Seriously? She's already come this far. There's no point in going back." Lilith says from Kai's back

"....I guess. Glad I brought sleeping bags and tents for everyone." He says

We then agree to find a place to set camp, like when we would go our backyard that is...

"Lilith! Axel! Kai! Ash! Breakfast is ready!" I yelled
I then got plates ready. I made them French toast. That's Lilith and Ash's favorite breakfast. It's been 10 minutes since I called them down for breakfast, I thought they'd be up by now. I look at the counter and see that there's a note. 2 notes to be exact. I grab them and started reading it:
The first one says:

Dear mom,
We're going to find Ash. I'm sorry to do this behind your back but it was the right thing to do. Ash is like my sister and I don't want her to get hurt. You know how I am. I'm like you. I'm very protective of my friends. Don't come looking for us. Please. We don't know how soon we'll be back but if we don't come back in 5 weeks, then that's when you can come looking for us.
We love you mom.
-Lilith, Axel and Kai

I sigh and put that one down and read the next one.
It says:

I'm going away for a bit. Don't come looking for me.

I put that down. She's just like her father. I was about to call Garroth but, I rather not. I know he would probably want to go look for them.

You guys are safe for now...

I wake up in a sleeping back in a tent. Wait, I don't have any of those things. How did I get here? I quickly sit up, then a wave of pain hit me. I ignore it and get out of the tent. I see Kai, Lilith, and Axel. What are they doing here?

They probably got my letters...

Kai was the first one to see me.

"Ash are you ok?" He asks

"Ya ya I'm fine" I say walking over there.

As I walked over to an empty spot next to Axel I wobbled a bit to the side. My head ached like crazy.

"No your not. You should get some more rest sis."

"I said I'm fine Kai. Besides I'm not tired anymore." I say sitting next to Axel

I stare at the fire. We sit there for a while in silence. Until...

"Why did you have to leave like that? I thought you..." Lilith says

I look at her. I didn't know she was worried...I thought no one worried about me...
No one else had anything else to say so we were all quiet again.

"I didn't know you were a werewolf Ash" Axel says next to me

I stared at Kai wide eyed and all he did was shake his head.

I sighed

"You guys better keep it a secret then...I can't have everyone else finding out who i really am." I say pulling my knees up to my chest.

Everyone looks at me.

"Well, we should get some rest. Ash you wanna take first shift?" Kai asks

"Sure" I say getting up

"Alright then goodnight everyone." Kai says getting into a tent.

Then Lilith did. Then Axel did.

I grabbed my sword and head over to a tree nearby. I prop my sword against me and lean on it. I start humming to a song that I've heard before. I don't want to sing right now because I'll wake everyone up.

It's called Wish You Were Here by Avril Lavigne.
Then I slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up because Ash hasn't came to wake me up for the next shift. I get up carefully but still concerned. I walk out my tent and see Ash sleeping against a tree with her sword. I walk over to her and pick her up. I put the sword down on the floor so it doesn't wake her or anyone else up. As I picked her up, she snuggled into my chest. I walk back to my tent and set her down in there and head back out there.

I wish I could tell you how I feel Ash...

Sorry for the short chapter! I'll do chapter 5 soon! Take care guys. Buh bye~ (966)

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