Sleeping Beauty

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(3 POV)

On the day of her birthday, Aurora grew restless in her room and feels a discomfort on her finger, she goes to open the door but finds it locked, then she heard a voice calling for her.

"Aurora~"  The voice called that happened to sound like her godmother, but she was so in a trance she didn't notice.

Aurora came across a walk to find a hidden door and knocked on it and a maid opened in.

Aurora rushed past her as the maid called for her to wait.

"Princess?" The maid called out as Aurora ran off.


In the forest, Maleficent found Phillip on his horse looking for Aurora. He was startled when he saw Maleficent even to pull out his sword for his sheathe.

"I'm looking for a girl" He told him.

Maleficent looked unimpressed at him.

"Of course you are"

He then used his magic to put Phillip to sleep.

"I need a horse" Maleficent said as he looked to the side to see Y/n.

She looked away, pretending to look for something.

"Yes where are we going to find a horse, in the middle of the forest" 

"Y/n" Maleficent said.

After a lot of convincing Maleficent turned Y/n it a horse. They rode with Phillip asleep on his horse.


Back in the palace, Aurora's finger became more uncomfortable as she continued to hear the voice call out for her 

"...Into a sleep-like death. Aurora


Back with Maleficent who was riding Y/n (That's what she said) as fast as he could to get to the place.

"Come on, Y/n!"


Back at the palace Aurora was still hearing the voice and finds a door to the dungeon.

"Aurora" The voice called out.

She opened the door and walked in, to find all the destroyed spinning wheels. She noticed the cursed spinning come together with the help of Maleficent's magic and walks towards it.


Meanwhile (Congress is fighting over where to put the capital, it isn't pretty) Maleficent frantically races to the castle.

"Faster, Y/n, faster!"


Back in the palace, Aurora finally reached the spinning wheel.

"She will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep-like death. No power on Earth... A sleep like death"

Aurora, hypnotised by the spindle, touched the needle, pricking her finger. Her eyes close and she collapsed to the floor.


Maleficent then senses the moment happens.

"It's done" He said as he laid his head on Y/n.


The maid found Aurora's unconscious body and began to weep.

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