Part 2

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Nico reformed in a well-lit room, a sealed envelope in his hand. He looked around and cursed in greek. He was standing on a wood dining table ladened with food. He stood with his feet on probably the only two spots that didn't have plates on them.

"Who are you?" A gruff voice boomed. That's when Nico noticed that there were people around the table. He cursed again.

"Hello," he drawled out, "Who are you?" He asked. Nobody answered.

"I asked you first."

"And I didn't answer you." He said, "Hope I'm not intruding." He deadpanned.

"Why are you here? How did you find this place?" The gruff voice said again. Nico saw a man waving a . . . stick at him? The man had a fake eye that swiveled oddly, occasionally disappearing behind his head. Nico inwardly sighed, casting his gaze at the ceiling.

"I'm here to," he paused, looking for a valid reason.

To see Dumbledore. A voice buzzed in his head. He was startled for a few seconds before looking down at the necklace. It buzzed as if to confirm his suspicions.

"To see Dumbledore," Nico said, blatantly ignoring the second question.

He looked around the room, he saw a man with tattered robes, a whole family of people with fiery red hair. There was also a girl with fluffy brown hair and a boy that looked like a mini-Percy with glasses and an odd scar. There was also a man with shaggy black hair.

They all had sticks — no, wands pointed at him.

"What do you want with Dumbledore?" Nico sighed.

"I have a . . . letter . . . for him." He said, examining the manila paper in his hand, sealed with a red wax emblem of two crossed torches.

"What's in the letter?" He growled, not lowering the wand. Nico studied it again and shrugged. He received blank stares to match his own.

"I don't know. My," he thought for a minute, trying to untangle his family tree, "cousin?" He said it more like a question but then nodded, "Yeah, cousin. She gave me this and told me to find Dumbledore." Nobody moved.

Nico sighed, why did nobody ever trust him?

A grey man walked into the room and did a double-take at the sight of a boy standing on the table. He had long, white hair and a beard, wearing the same strange robes that the rest of the people were wearing.

"So you're who they sent?" He said cheerily. Nico sighed.

"Presumably." Was all he said. Dumbledore smiled.

"I didn't know if they would help us. I'm glad they did." Dumbledore said.

"What's going on?" The same one-eyed man asked. Dumbledore shifted his gaze to him.

"Moody, I asked," he coughed, shifting his gaze away, "some people to send someone to help with the war. They sent him." Everybody's attention suddenly felt like a weighted blanket on him.

"How can he help?" This time it was the man in the tattered dress thing. Nico could smell something on him: Werewolf. Nico narrowed his eyes at him. He'd had bad experiences with werewolves. More specifically trying to kill him. Dumbledore looked nervously at Nico.

"His family is," he thought for a minute, "extremely powerful." They all looked at him, disbelieving.

"One person?" The man with shaggy black hair said. Dumbledore looked from him to Nico.

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