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     Autumn thought she knew. She thought she had it; in Hal Jordan taking her under his wing, in Wally West taking her hand and pulling her into adventures, in Thaal Sinestro and praise mixed with criticism.

     She thought she knew what it was when she was twenty-one years old and looking at her very best friend in a way she'd never seen him before. There was nothing special about the moment, nothing to trigger the sudden revelation. All she knows is that within the space of a second, she went from loving Dick Grayson to being in love with him.

     She thought she knew what it was when she was thirteen and finally, finally had people that cared about her. She was wrong then, too.

     This time, it's different, she tells herself. She's prepared for the inevitable betrayal, ready to risk it for the possibility of a happy ending.

     It's why she lies when John Stewart asks how she is. "I'm fine."

     "You don't sound fine."

     She lets out a brittle laugh, keeping her eyes on Sinestro at all times. "Things with the Titans are a little stressful, I guess."

     "If you need me to kick anyone's ass━━"

     "I don't", she assures him. "I've got everything under control."

     "Are you sure about that?" He asks her. "Because Kyle's not on Earth anymore and there's no way for Guy or me to reach San Francisco in time to help you."

     "I'm positive", she says, pausing. "Is, uh, is everything okay? With the kid, I mean."

     "Pretty sure it's nothing", John answers. "He's just chasing some myth."

     "A myth?"

     "Something about a grasshopper", he replies vaguely. "I was more concerned with making sure Alan didn't burn down New York to pay attention."

     "Tell him to check out Talok IV", she suggests. "They've got some good libraries."

     "I'll mention it", he promises. "Are you sure you don't need any of us?"

    Sinestro has managed to successfully keep a grimace off his face for the entire duration of her phone call. If that's not progress, she doesn't know what it is.

    "I'm okay", she says. "I'll talk to you later."

    She hangs up. If he asks her one more time if she's okay, she might snap and say something she shouldn't. With the history between them, she seriously doubts that John would ever be okay with her being in the same space sector as Sinestro, let alone the same rooftop.

     What he doesn't know won't hurt him, though, right?

     "Why you continue to associate with them, I will never understand", Sinestro says, the derision so evident.

Fall From Grace ◦ Dick GraysonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora