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     SAINT PAUL'S COVENANT BRINGS FORTH A LOT OF MEMORIES AND NONE OF THEM ARE GOOD. When Autumn was younger than Rachel, just a scared little kid, she'd spent time in a place like this and she ran away after only three months, as fast as she could.

     It led her to Hal. The first time they met and neither knew what the other would mean to them, neither had any idea what the future held in store. All Green Lantern saw was a terrified child covered in bruises and all little Autumn Alita could see was a chance at escaping a bad situation.

     She sits next to Kory, her eyes focused on the cross in front of her. For a woman that has had her life entangled with cosmic deities, has touched the edge of oblivion, she can't bring herself to believe in a higher power.

     She can't bring herself to do a lot of things lately.

     "Do I know you?" Kory asks, putting her further on edge. She's the only one that Autumn knows nothing about, the only one that's a genuine mystery. Dick Grayson may have changed over the years, but at his core, he's still the same person he always was and Autumn likes to think that she has a good grasp of who Rachel is.

     The same cannot be said for Kory. She shows up out of nowhere, with no memories and the knowledge that she was searching for Rachel, and somehow, she's ended up joining their weird little group.

     Autumn doesn't trust her, but Autumn doesn't trust a lot of people, and she can admit her main issue with Kory, is the deja vu.

     She keeps trying to figure out where she would have seen her. She keeps circling back to a burning empire, to purple energy that cuts her skin down to the bone.

     But she has to be reasonable. Chances are, she's somebody from Autumn's old life or a person that wandered into Guy's bar before she left. Before Arisia came back and ━━

     "I... I don't think so?" Autumn says, trying to dislodge that particular thought from her mind. "But, I mean, you don't have your memories, so..."

     "And you're sure you've never seen me before?"

     Her throat feels dry. How does she say that she's certain she has seen her ━━ certain that her face was among the dead?

     "I think I might have", she settles on, "but I can't quite remember where."

     "Dammit", she curses. "You seriously have no idea?"

     "None", she says. None that would make sense. "But I can try and find out."

     "Seriously?" Kory asks, her eyes sparkling at the idea.

     "I can call my cousin. Maybe I met you at Warriors?"


     "A bar. In New York. A lotta people from a lotta places go there... maybe you did."

Fall From Grace ◦ Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now