20 • New Name, New Life (Part 2)

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Okay so maybe Spencer and Toby's plan of telling their families about their marriage when they intended to hadn't quite worked out. After their wedding day they'd already planned to stay in Italy for another 3 weeks, travelling around and taking in all the culture.

They'd started in Verona, where Toby had proposed on their first night and they'd got married the next day, moved on to Venice, Milan and Rome before heading south to Sorrento and the Bay of Naples and spending their last few nights in Positano and Capri.

Spencer had loved every single second of it. She felt like Juliet if her love with Romeo had worked out. Everywhere was so beautiful and romantic. She couldn't believe how lucky she was. She felt even luckier every time she looked down and saw both her gorgeous engagement ring and wedding band sitting on her finger. Almost 3 weeks of being married to Toby and she still wasn't over it. She felt a rush of love and pride every time she looked at her left hand and hoped that feeling would never fade.

She'd FaceTimed her parents when she could and had sent a ton of pictures to the girls on their group chat but had been careful to send the ones that didn't show her ring too obviously. She'd tried to tell her parents but every time she did she just felt like they'd ruin it or tell her she was ridiculous for doing something so life-changing so spontaneously. She didn't want to tell the girls via text but she also didn't want to call them all individually because then she'd feel bad about who she chose to call first.

When she'd stressed all this to Toby he just told her to relax, enjoy their time away and tell everyone when they got back to the real world in Rosewood. She was relieved when he understood and in a way, it had made their trip even more special knowing that there was a huge secret that only the two of them knew.

So now, 3 weeks after Toby had proposed, they were on their way back to Pennsylvania. Spencer got more and more jittery the closer they got and Toby kept reassuring her that it was going to be fine.

They decided to announce it to everyone at the same time, inviting all their family and friends over for a barbecue the day after they got back. They were hosting at the house the couple had lived in together for the last 6 months or so.

They arrived home late in the evening, both of them jet-lagged and just desperate to go to bed, even Spencer's nerves about the following day weren't enough to keep her up.

Only 14 hours later their house was filing up quickly with Spencer's parents and Melissa, Toby's dad, step-mom and Jenna (who Spencer both despised being there because she couldn't stand her, and relished being there because she could rub it in Jenna's face that her and Toby had committed to being together for life) as well as Ezra and Aria, Emily and Alison and Hanna, Caleb and their baby. Just before everyone arrived Toby found his wife standing in their bathroom, looking at herself critically in the mirror.

"You okay baby?" he asked, coming up behind her and placing a kiss on her cheek. She was wearing a casual summer dress but as usual, looked absolutely stunning with very little effort.

"Yeah..." she answered slowly. "I'm just- what if they aren't happy for us? What if the girls are angry I didn't tell them and my parents say we're stupid and I- I just don't want them to ruin this."

"Spence..." said Toby softly, turning her around to face him. "Nothing is going to ruin this. Okay? Even if they aren't happy for us, which they will be by the way, we are still us, we're still married and no matter how many people tell us it was stupid, I haven't for one nanosecond regretted it and I know that I never will. We made this decision just the two of us, and I will stand by that decision no matter what." he finished.

Spencer smiled and pulled him into a hug. "You're right. I knew there was a reason I married you." she said jokingly.

"You mean apart from my good looks and unfailing charm?" Toby replied, leaning in to kiss her.

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