23 • Fame and Good Fortune

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"It isn't." Aria said confidently.

I'm telling you, it totally is." Spencer whispered back.

The two of them were sitting in a coffee shop in New York, having both gone on a college visit to NYU for the day. They were now just trying to kill some time before they made their way to Grand Central to get a train back to Rosewood. They'd stopped in a cute little urban cafe, chatting about what they both made of the school and what classes they'd want to take if they got in when someone sitting at another table caught Spencer's eye.

He was around their age, maybe a couple of years older and very good looking. Tall, muscular with eyes that even from a small distance away, Spencer could tell were piercing blue. He had slightly curly sandy coloured hair and a prominent cleft in his chin. He was reading a copy of The Catcher In The Rye and sipping on what looked like a black coffee. Spencer smiled to herself approvingly, that was her kind of boy.

But it wasn't just his great body, handsome face and good taste in literature that was causing Spencer to keep looking over to him. There was something about him that seemed wildly familiar but she couldn't for the life of her figure out what it was.

She ran through a list of scenarios in her head, maybe he was an NYU student she'd seen on campus earlier that she'd only subconsciously noticed and was now properly taking in but her brain knew she'd seen him before? She could've met him at one of the academic summer camps her parents had forced her to go to as a kid. Maybe she'd competed against him at an Academic Decathalon championship??? No. None of those felt right and it was driving her insane.

For some reason she felt like she'd known him as a kid, like maybe they'd met when they were really little and that's why her brain couldn't connect it now, it was trying to make the connection between this handsome grown up stranger and a random kid she'd seen before.

She nudged Aria after she'd first spotted him and run the various scenarios in her head. "Hey, this is weird but does that guy look like weirdly familiar to you?" she asked her best friend. Aria was normally great at remembering people, so if Spencer couldn't remember herself, Aria seemed like the best bet.

Trying to be inconspicuous, Aria glanced over to the man and narrowed her eyes, trying to kick start her own memory. "Now that you've said it..." she said slowly. "Yeah.. He kinda does. I don't think he's from Rosewood though." she continued.

"Yeah I don't think so." Spencer agreed.  "I thought maybe Academic Decathalon competition or summer camp but neither of those things feel right." she said.

"I feel like, this is weird, but I feel like I've seen him in a movie?" Aria half said, half-asked. "But I really couldn't tell you which one, I just feel like I've seen him on TV."

"You know what? Yeah, I think you could be right. I don't think it's anything I've seen recently though, maybe something from a while ago?" Spencer said.

"Well, whoever he is, he can't be that famous, it's not like he has a swarm of fans around him." Aria said simply. "Maybe he was in a commercial or something." she finished.

"No, I feel like it was something bigger than that." said Spencer. "You know what? I'm just gonna google it." she said, pulling out her phone and typing in "blue eyed actor, cleft in his chin".

"You probably won't find him, especially if he was in like one-" Aria started to say before she was cut off by Spencer whisper-yelling:

"Holy SHIT!" she turned her phone around to show Aria. "It's Toby Cavanaugh!" she said, awe-struck.

Toby Cavanaugh had been the most famous child-star in the world when Spencer was growing up. (And not that she'd ever admit it to anyone but he had actually been her first crush) He had started off as a baby acting in a sitcom called "The Royelle Family" which was about what the royal family would be like if they were American. On it Toby had played an adorable little character called Georgie who melted hearts across the world. Georgie was a little troublemaker and would often get himself and the other characters in the show into ridiculous situations which he'd respond to with his signature catchphrase "It wasn't me, it was the butler." followed by a cheesy wink at the camera and a laughter track playing. Spencer had loved the show as a kid, it was pretty much the only thing she and Melissa could watch together without fighting and she always found herself mesmerised by the little blue eyed boy playing Georgie.

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