Places to Sleep

844 54 6

Chapter warnings: Mild Language

Word count: 2471


Once everyone had settled down, Taeyong turned to address the group. Taeil looked mildly annoyed that he wasn't buckled, but it seemed that ignoring this quirk was a regular occurrence among the group.

"Alright, like Mark said, we're headed North to the river." He started, moving his hands absentmindedly. "We have a few options from there. Lucky for you, Y/N, but we haven't decided yet, so you'll get a say."

"Wait, what? She's been here for like 5 hours." Jaehyun argued.

"She still gets a vote," Taeyong explained back, "It's only fair."

"No it's not!" At that, Yuta looked up, making eye contact with him. She didn't know what kind of internal communication they both had, but Jaehyun calmed back down, grumbling to himself.

"As I was saying- we can do one of two things. First, we can try and find an area to set up a permanent base, build a fortress, and hold our own against the zombies. It'll be a shaky survival, but to be fair, any survival is tentative." Wow. That was grim. Still, it seemed like a feasible choice.

"What's option two?" Haechan butted in, nearly hitting Jaehyun in the head as he leaned over the seat.

"Hold on, I was getting there. Our second option is to go Northeast rather than Just North. It's risky, and we might get caught by a horde we can't handle. Still, if we can make it to the ocean, we can hijack a boat and go to an island. Assuming it hasn't been infected through air travel, we should be able to live out our lives in peace."

"Already sounding like a better choice." Taeil shrugged.

"No more fighting." Yuta agreed.

"What are the chances we make it, though? That's a lot of terrain- one wrong move and we're fucked." Jaehyun countered. "Wouldn't it be less risky to hunker down?"

"True, but we can't fight forever." Yuta continued quietly. "Even if we don't get injured, we're gonna get older. One day we'll slip." Sighing, Jaehyun had to agree.

"You don't have to decide right now," Taeyong consoled them. "We still have to have a full official meeting with Jungwoo. Maybe over dinner?"

"Dinner?" Y/N asked excitedly. This caused most of the van to laugh. "What?" She asked, annoyed. "I'm just hungry."

"Oh, that's right." Taeyong thought aloud, "You haven't eaten since you changed." Turning an embarrassing shade of red, she asked,

"You saw that?"

"It's fine," he laughed again, "you're under a lot of stress- you get a pass. Plus, Jaehyun told me about your little, uh... battlefield incident." She whipped around to glare at the aforementioned, who stuck his tongue out at her mockingly.

"I can't get to any of the food bins right now," he continued, "But I may have a granola bar. Hold on-" She sat on the edge of her carseat as he dug around in his bag, finally pulling out a mostly intact bar. She took it from him, muttering a hasty 'thank you' and ripping into it. She took a few sips of his water bottle as well. As she finished up, she saw him still looking at her, smiling slightly. Realizing that she had noticed, he shook his head awkwardly.

"Sorry." He turned back around, looking out the windshield. She slouched down in her seat. A decently full stomach, the hum of the engine and the vibration of the tires, the subdued sound of a few different headphones, the occasional page turn from Yuta's book... it was all making her very tired. It wasn't long before her vision faded in and out, fatigue betraying her.

The Final Bell (Zombie Apocalypse AU) (NCT127 x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora