Corrupted Spy School Part 3

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As we watched the enemies creep to our hiding place, planning to end our measly lives, I was silently hoping that Erica or someone else would come to the rescue. 

I mean, most likely they would, but even if they did come, it would be a slim chance that they could catch up to the enemies. The bad guys were moving very fast, and the only person other than Cyrus that could catch up to that pace was Erica. And she'd probably have to waste a lot of energy getting to them, weakening herself when the battle comes.

Mike was still swiping through each of the cameras, slowly watching the criminals advance forward.

"Did you contact anybody yet?" he said, not sounding like the suave, debonair Mike most people knew.

"Of course I did! That's pretty much our only hope, seeing that we can't really defend ourselves against those guys." I pointed at the screen, in which it now showed one of the men one-handily beating down a metal door. That didn't help.

"I just hope Erica received the message," I said. "She usually comes to save the day at perfect timing." 

As I was spitting these words out, a thump suddenly came from the ceiling area of our secret hideout. I didn't know if it was the enemy or someone we knew, so I just hid in plain sight behind a potted plant, just to be sure. Even though I wasn't a whack-job like Warren and had to ability to blend in, I did my best to look like an item of household decoration.

The thumps continued towards the entrance of our room, and it sounded that someone was coming to us. Someone that I didn't know the identity of.

The enemies were now at the entrance of the Hale Building. When they realized that it wasn't only guarded with an electric lock, but a heavy-duty one that no living man could break, they started looking for an alternative entrance. Fortunately, there was no other way in. Or at least no other way in that I knew.

As one of the men came back to start an attempt to crack the lock with a wire, the other banged on the walls and screamed threats. It seemed that there were numerous enemies hitting the building at once, and that wasn't exactly the best thing when the building itself was very old. It seemed that it could crash down on us any second.

For now, the thumps had stopped. I assume that it was a SPYDER agent looking for entrances from the roof, but it seemed that they had failed to find any and came back empty-handed.

Suddenly, a high-pitched crack came screaming through the air. As the realization dawned on me, I found out that the main entrance's lock had been jimmied, and the enemies were now heading in. The next step for them was to find the secret entrance. 

Silently hoping that Zoe, who was the last person to leave, had put the bookshelf back in place, I sat in suspense behind the plant. The enemies were now about 10 feet away from us and separated by a thick wall and a bookshelf.

I could hear distant voices from the room, but couldn't really make them out. I caught on some words, such as somewhere and Ripley, but other than that, I got nothing else.

Mike, who was still scrolling through the cameras, silently relayed the action to me.

"They're looking in the obvious spots, but still seem not to have found that the key is a book on the bookshelf," he commented as he watched the camera as if it was an NBA game, instead of a high-suspense infiltration that could possibly cost us our lives. "Whoever made the book-trigger-to-the-entrance idea was fairly clever, because they've got no idea where to look."

"Unless they get lucky" I said, just as one of the goons inspected the bookshelf. He shoot it a little, and after realizing that it was glued to the wall, backed away and started looking somewhere else.

Mike was still watching the security cameras, but before I could ask him what was happening, something bust through the roof of the Hale building. 

Instinctively, I ducked, preparing to be crushed by rubble. Instead, I heard grunts and oofs come from the main area.

I came out of my hiding placed and took a peek at the camera. 

What I saw amazed me.

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