Counter Earth

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Hello there like many other girls I have a story to share with you all. People enjoy stories so I want to share mine I am not famous or rich but I have a story to share. Animals are great we have them on Counter-Earth as Earth has there animals. Dogs are amazing I love them so much so I am like other humans in the man's best friend category. I have a family like the humans on planet Earth and friends too. On Counter-Earth we have storms and weather just like Earth. However, our storms are ten times worse. Now that I have told you all the similarities the planet Earth and Counter-Earth has let me tell you about the difference between the people that live there.

For one the people that live on the normal planet Earth do not have powers or the technology we have on Counter-Earth. Our technology is way better. We have powers unlike the spices of Earth. Some of us can fly. Some of us can shoot lasers from our eyes. Heck some of us can even turn invisible. I can not do any of those things I know of yet. Nonetheless, I can move things and objects with my mind I love my power of telekinesis. Last but not least the superhuman spices on my planet Counter-Earth know how to treat all as family and party to have a fun time. And that about sums it up.

Now to get into my specific family. My family only consists of my little bratty sibling her name is Ella she is 10 and annoying brown hair and brown eyes. The love between her and I is strong but she is truly a brat. We all know how siblings can be bossy, whiny, and clumsy. She literally likes to knock over all of my stuff in my room on a daily bases. You ask about the parents now right. They got divorced and had a bad custody battle that neither won. So Ella and got a placed under the custody of our Grandma well she did because I am 19 years old. I just moved in to help out Grandma with Ella. We don't see our parents much. See another typical problem that Earth has another similarity.

I also have a dog his name is Bear the best dog in the world there are dogs on Earth but the dogs on Counter-Earth are ten times better they can actually talk. Bear is just a loyal buddy and would follow me to the ends of the world. That pretty much sums of my family. Now time to tell you all about my best friend.

His name is Rick and he is 19 years old he is a computer nerd and he is super nerdy. You're talking about Harry Potter every Saturday night. And on Sunday it's a volunteer at the animal settler. Why volunteer you may ask he wants to get into Harvard and needs the hours. He and I also have late movie nights with popcorn were typically watch The Hobbit and Lord of The Rings. Every now and then we will watch Harry Potter but he mostly watches those with his guys.

Now time to talk about a typical day of my life in Counter-Earth. You see I am a good listener so I tend to talk to people that have problems going on and try to help them fix it. There normally teenagers that have drama I don't particularly like drama but am willing to help if I can. Next, I go to my job since my power is telekinesis I have to help in the gardens and help move the heavy objects out of the way why the people with the planting powers can plant and make food and trees grow big beautiful. This takes a lot of my time it's one of the main ways we survive.

Rick on the other hand got a cooler job since he has intelligent computer abilities and is a super nerd he gets to work for head services of cyberspace. He programs the computers for them. So yeah my job is not the high light of my day. But what is the highlight of my day is getting to watch Middle Earth with my little sister.

Ella don't ask me why really likes the hobbits sure they are cute but it must be a 10-year-old thing. I suppose they are both small. But I love the elves they are all so dreamy and hot I would date any of them if I could. I wish to go to Middle Earth one day out of every week. If I could I would go to Rivendell and to Mirkwood, heck I even go to the Shire to see my favorite hobbits, Sam and Pippin. My sister is in love with Frodo it must be the black hair and because he is the one that can destroy the ring. Kudos is a must you have to hand it to Frodo he is good not letting the evil ring take him, not until the end anyway.

After I watch the Middle Earth movies I typically have to help Grandma with chores and then I take my best pal Bear for a walk. He and I talk about how my day went and he comforts me with doggie kisses. So yeah in my story Counter-Earth is not that bad but I longed to have an adventure and it happened and on that adventure, it was perilous and freighting. But I lived to see more of my days just like Bilbo Baggins lived to see more days. I also made good friends on my adventure and fought pure evil. So now it's time to dive into my adventure and tell you all about like Biblio told Frodo about his adventure.

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