Who You Are

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God created us. We are His creation but we are not just any creation. I believe man is special to God for we are created in His image & likeness, that is a great honor. Aside from that He has given us a chance to be called His sons & daughters thru Christ, and we don't deserve that.

I really like this saying,

"The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God."  -C. S. Lewis

We are God's child thru our faith on the One who became a man & who paid it all on the cross with His blood, life... for us to have life thru His blood and to enable us to become children of God.

Believing in Jesus Christ as our Lord & Savior can make us an heir to the Kingdom of God and become God's child.

"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name..." -John 1:12

Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

Do i even need to ask such question?

Still, if you do believe then... you are part of God's family.


And so everyone around you, and above all God expects you to be one, like His child... Like Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son.

Jesus wasn't just given to us to save us but also importantly that He is the living proof of God's great love for us... and to us Christian, a role model... like an older brother we look up to and imitate... and so admire & adore. And that He gave His life for us and so we ought to do the same by living our life glorifying God and magnifying Christ in our lives, in our daily lives.

And if Christ lives in us, we have to die daily... to die in the flesh & in the world but alive in Christ... which means the Holy Spirit dwells in you & all your actions are for the glory of God... not for your own glory but all for Jesus.

But the road to the cross is very rough & narrow... its a hard road to take to be honest but at the end of that road is our great reward. The end is always good... an eternity with our Heavenly Father.

Its funny how the world tells us to live your life according to your standard, "do what you want to do" attitude because its your life in the first place... That's just wrong... i mean our life is not ours to begin with, we can't produce or give life, God did and He can & He will to those He love. All life comes from Him. He is the giver of life... His breath gave us life.

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostril the breath of life and man became a living soul." -Genesis 2:7

Our life is not ours but Gods'. We are place in this world to magnify Him... To magnify Jesus in our lives. He is the image of our invisible God and His life is the pattern we need to imitate... In who He is... Jesus is the way that we need to take that leads to life and the truth that we so desire in the world that is full of lies. He is the answer to everything.

Our true identity is in Christ... who we are is shaped by our Heavenly Father, our Maker.

To further know "Who You Are" in Christ is by reading the Word of God. With faith and with all your heart, and if you so desire... slowly thru the guidance of the Holy Spirit you will know "Who You Are".

We need to know Who We Are to know what it means to live and be free in this world we are living... life is not about getting rich, going to college, paying your bill, staying pretty, marrying someone, singing/dancing, helping other people, robbing a bank, looking for jobs,etc... life is about knowing and discovering Who You Are! Not just about other people knowing who you are... also about you, knowing your true self.

And the only way we can know ourselves is if we have God in us... if we know God and believe in the One He sent, Jesus Christ to whom all things were made and without Him wasn't any thing made that was made (John 1:3) including you and me.

Then you will get the chance to know THE REAL YOU!

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