Then both walk to the forest road. Jungkook told his hyung his stories with his cute giggles, Jin adored him so much.

When they reached the home.. gate was opened.. they both entered the cottage, something was bad, Jin felt it,

Jin tightly held Jungkook's hand.

"Eomma appa.. where are you?? Appa I'm home", Jungkook shouted but there was a silence deep silence.

They saw blood.. everywhere in the kitchen, where Jungkook's mother lay lifeless. Jungkook ran to his mother.

"Eommaaa... Eom-mma.. open your eyes Eomma..",

Jin grabbed Jungkook's hand.

"Jungkook let's find out uncle okay..", Jin wiped his tears.

They run every room, and there was he.

They opened the room of his parent's bedroom.. where they met the body of Jungkook's father.. but he was alive.

Jin and Jungkook run to him.

"Apppa.. apppa what happened?? App-pppa", Jungkook hugged his father.

His father opened his eyes and caressed Jungkook back and he gestured for Jin to come close.

Jin went near, tears filled his eyes, and he grabbed his uncle's hand.. while Jungkook continued crying...

Jin said to his uncle... "uncle where is your phone? We will go hospital.. you will save please don't lose hope.. stay here".. Jin was about to stand but Mr.Jeon grabbed Jin's hand.

"Jin.. y-you a-re just like m-my Jungkook..", he breathed heavily.

"P-Please t-take c-are o-f my son..", he grabbed tightly Jin's sleeve and pull towards him.

"There was a gr-roup of a g-gang,.. t-they want m-my house, but they know I have a c-child.. they will k-kill him too p-please save him..",

Jin covered the bullet area with his hands to stop blood from oozing speedily.

"I have l-little t-time,.. please run from h-here,.. p-premise m-me.. you'll t-take c-care o-of m-my child.."

Jin grabbed tightly the hand of his uncle, "I will uncle... I will.."

"Just run.." Jin looked at Jungkook.

"I l-love you m-my s-so-n..", were his father's last words.. his hands fell on the floor.. eyes were closed.

Jungkook shouted, crying... "Noo appa kookie love you more please.. appa kookie will die without you and eomma...",.  Jin saw Jungkook with sad eyes.

*Attention Seeker Vkook*Where stories live. Discover now