Chapter 08: Lost and Something New

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I shouldn't let my mind wonder at this time!

"Mist Breathing, Second Form: Eight Layered Mist!"

Tokito Muichiro unleashed multiple slashes on the demons gangly four arms, effectively removing them but out of nowhere the single horn on its forehead elongated and he sidestepped to the left, but it didn't leave him unscathed from the sudden attack that might have pierced his skull.

His hands were now slick with red blood, left hand now rendered into something unfavorable at his current situation.

This is bad. My left hand and right shoulder are injured. I might not be able to use all my strength to finish this in one go and the demon's limbs are still quickly regenerating.

Muichiro's mind whirred to life while dodging attacks left and right while also giving his own counterattacks. The ten year old boy made use of the orchard of peach trees to his advantage in weaving between the looming trees in a great show of agility and footwork for someone remarkably young. Pale turquoise eyes darted across the peaceful scenery, catching sight or a giant rock placed underneath a tree, eight trees behind the demon immediate right, a plausible plan forming in his mind.

Inhaling deeply, he concentrated on his prey. "Mist Breathing, First Form: Hanging Sky, Distant Mist."

With a straightforward strong thrust, he took away the newly grown upper left arm and continued dashing as he weaved in and out, changing his running tempo as he did so to confuse his assailant. Quickly, without a sound, he gave a running leap towards the rock face and used it to take a gigantic leap towards the peach tree's lower branches. Muichiro didn't waste the opportunity and climbed a bit more and proceeded to rip off his sleeve to stem his bleeding hand, his shoulder and other wounds can wait later. Soon enough he would be found with the scent of his blood, but he'll take these few minutes to rest for a moment until the monster had caught up.

Something rustled on the ground, immediately gaining his attention but what he saw almost made him groan in exasperation.

"Uhk... I overslept." The stupid civilian child (who's most likely older than him) whispered to their self, figure too filled with shadows to identify them. "But, what's with that sound? It's almost like..." They got out of the bush where they were nestled underneath before. Why were they sleeping on a, no, I need to focus. No need for that, I just need to protect them.

The child wore a yellow to orange kimono with a white triangle pattern, very bright and noticeable even in the dark. The kid faced the direction where the demon was currently lurking at, quiet in its hunt and seemingly locating where he was.

Where he and the child were.

Muichiro debated whether he should let his presence be known and help out, probably giving out their exact location to the demon ooor wait it out, let the demon have at least a little trouble finding them then once the demon focused on the child – because they were the ones in plain sight they could be at least useful as a good bait and not be a complete deadweight – he would dealt the finishing blow quickly in one move.

With his tired and battered condition, he's leaning on letting it all play out so that he could give his all later with the scant minutes of rest and finish it quickly so that he could finally sleep and treat his accumulated injuries. Now if only the preteen would cooperate.

I really shouldn't have taken five consecutive missions without rest.

"Th-that sound. I-it's a – am I dreaming?" They slapped a hand on their cheek and proceeded to pinch it. "I-I'm not, then that's really that and," The kid looked up, fearful amber eyes almost golden with the pale moonlight illuminating them connected to his own.

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