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When Oliver told his Mom he got the Stark Internship, she freaked. In a good way of course. To celebrate, they ordered in sushi.

Back in California, sushi was Oliver and his Mom's celebration food. They had it on his birthday, when he graduated junior high, and whenever he got good grades.

Having it that night, in the unfamiliar space, Oliver started to make his Grandpa's house his own. He was finally starting to let it set in that he was in New York to stay.

The next morning, Oliver was buzzing with energy. Even though he only got three hours of sleep, and his Mom didn't allow him to have coffee, he wouldn't stop talking.

He figured it was just excitement about the internship, he still couldn't get over the fact that he was going to be working with Tony Stark. He'd get to learn from one of the best.

The first thing he did when he saw Leo and Emma, was tell them. It turned out that even though Leo had no interest in design, he was ready to try and hype him up. Emma just gave him a smile and congratulated him.

Throughout the day he was checking his emails, and trying not to accidentally teleport out of his classes. Leo and Emma joined in on conversation about how Oliver would have to get them something from Avengers Tower.

Everything was turning around for him. He had two great friends, an unbelievable internship and was starting to get his powers under control.

But things could never stay good for long.

While Oliver was sitting outside of the school with Emma, he got an SOS text from his Mom.

His Grandpa's condition was dropping rapidly.

Oliver glanced at Emma, worry painted across his face.

"I've got to go, family emergency, I'll text you later though." He tried to be reassuring and apologetic, "Can we hang out in a few days?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure, hope everything'll be okay," Oliver smiled and thanked her.

"You're the best Ems."

Oliver hurried away to where he hoped buses would be before teleporting to the entrance of the hospital.

When he made it to the room, his stomach felt like it was being eaten away by acid. Even with his underlying dislike for his Grandpa, Oliver didn't want him to die. He wanted to hear the stories his Mom grew up with, what she was like, what his Dad was like. There was so much about his family he didn't know, and his Grandpa seemed like the one with the answers.

Oliver didn't know what to do when he saw his Mom's teary eyes, or his Uncle's large build hunched over in the chair, or the nurse hurrying around the bed.

"Hey, honey," His Mom called to him tentatively. He could tell she was trying not to cry,

"Hi Mama, what happened?" He asked softly. She hugged him.

"We don't know, he's going to be moved to the ICU soon, they don't have any solution yet." She sighed heavily, "They all say they're hopeful, but I don't think there's anyway to save him."

Oliver nodded at the heavy sentence.

"Eddie and I decided to give him another week, then, well," She trailed off at the end of her sentence. Oliver just hugged her tighter.

"I'm sorry,"

Later that night, Oliver and his Mom stayed up watching Across the Universe, to try and cheer up slightly.

SO ALRIGHT, COOL, WHATEVER | PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now