Chapter 22

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Toni's pov

So, me and the gang plus the children are all at Cheryl's right now. We decided to have a little sleep over and everything. All of the babies are A month old now, and I can really tell that Elle and King are the best of friends. We are all in the living room playing games and talking.

"So I have a question for everyone." Jug said


"Who was the first person you had sex with/ took your virginity?" He asked

"Mine was this guy, his name was Alex." Vero said

"Toni took mines." Cheryl said smiling

"Did that's awesome, Toni took mines as well." Sweet pea said

"It was a long time ago, before I was raped. Sweet pea and I were each other's first, but we are completely over that. We just wanted to see what it felt like and we still are friends no weird connection." I said reassuring

"Mines was this girl, her name was Amilia." Betty said

"Who was the first person you ever fell in love with?" Archie asked

"Betty." Vero said

"Joaquin." Kevin said

"Veronica." Betty said

"Toni." Cheryl said

"Sweet pea." Josie said

"Cheryl." I said

"Mines was this one guy, All of my family loved him. His name was Jonathan, we were so in love. He was the fist person who actually showed me what love was, apart from Toni." Fangs said

"I miss Johnny, it's sad he had to go away though." I said

"Who is Jonathan?" Kevin asked

"John was my childhood bestfirend, he had a crush on Fangs for the longest. They got together with my help, and they fell in love. The cutest couple. But he moved away to California when his parents got divorced, never seen him since." I explained

"Boring, next question." Kevin said

"You want some peanut butter with that Jelly Kevin?" Asked and he flipped me off

"Mama, Mama." Tiff ran downstairs with the babies in the rolley she was rolling behind her

"Yes my love?" I asked

"I bored and the babies are getting on my nerves." She said

"So what do you want to do?" I asked

"Pool?" She asked

"Everyone agree?" I asked and they nodded

"Well I guess it's a pool night." I said

(Tonis swimsuit)

(Cheryls swimsuit)

(Tiffany swimsuit)



We were all done getting dressed and headed out into the pool. It was still daylight so we all could see perfectly.

"Damn baby." Cheryl said hugging me from behind

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