Chapter 1

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Cheryl's pov

Today is the first day back after Christmas break. It was really fun having all of my family and friends together on one of my fav holidays. I'm currently in the auditorium with all of my friends, girlfriend, and my siblings. I know me and my siblings are almost a year apart.

"So today we are going to start in a different direction this time. You guys are going to present a song that you wrote about how you've been feeling recently." Mr. Mickmiller said to us and we all groaned

"Ok so we all will be presenting tomorrow ok?" He asked and we all shook our heads.

"Ok you're free time starts now." He said walking into his office and we all gathered in a circle

Couples were in theory couples Laps because why not and we all chatted about our songs.

"So what songs are you guys going to write?" Veronica asked

"No, I'm not telling you will have to wait until tomorrow." Toni sayed

"Why don't we all make a little exciting game?" Fangs said

"I'm listening." I said

"We give little hints about our songs and everything and whoever has the worst song has to pay for all of our meals for a week?" Fangs said and we all made a deal.

I placed my hands on Toni's thigh and she instantly took it off, it was weird because she never did that before.

"Ronnie, Kev can I talk to you both for a moment?" Toni asked and they all left out of the auditorium

"What was that all about?" Jason said

"I don't know, somethings probably wrong with one of them. Maybe relationship wise?" Betty asked

"No me and Toni are good." I said

"So is me and Kevin." Fangs said

"Well whatever it is they'll tell us." Betty said

Toni's pov

I pulled out Vero and Kev out of the auditorium because I was finally ready to tell them.

"So Toni what is it?" Kevin asked

"I have to tell you guys something, I've been doing this for a while now and you both are my best friends, but you have to promise you won't tell anyone, no Betty, Fangs, parents anyone." I said and they held their pinkies out and crossed em

"So I really don't know how to put this so I'm just going to show you." I said to them and I pulled up both of my sleeves and rolled my skirt up a little bit showing my cuts

"Oh my god." Vero said

"I'm so sorry." I cried and they came and comforted me

"How long?" Kevin asked

"About 4 almost 5 years." I said

"It's ok Toni." V said

"Please don't tell anyone about this." I said and they nodded

"Does Cheryl know?" Kevin asked

" Only you two know, I'm planning on telling everyone tomorrow when I do my song." I said

"Toni you need to stop. This isn't healthy for you, you could die from this." Vero said tracing the cuts

"I know and I'm trying" I said wiping my tears

"Ok now no more tears let's go back in their and if anyone asked, just say we just talked about our anniversary coming up." Kevin sayed and we all went back to our lovers

"So what did you guys talk about.?" Jug said

"We just talked about our anniversary coming up." I said

"16 years of being best friends." V said

"January 20th." Kevin sayed

"Baby we need to talk after school." Cheryl whispered in my ear

"About what baby?" I asked

"Just something, but my lips are going to be doing most of the talking." She said

"Ok baby." I said

For the rest of the day I really didn't talk to anyone, I was too depressed to even notice anything. School was finally over and I cancelled practice because I really didn't feel like doing the routines. I just stayed in my cheer uniform and walked to my car where Cher was waiting for me beside the door.

"Hey baby. I thought you was going to Vixen practice?" She said

"I cancelled it. " I said looking into her eyes

"Oh well I was wondering why did you move my hand when I put it on your thigh?" She asked and I looked down

"Umm. I- I.." i stuttered

"Toni please don't lie to me. Is it someone else?" She asked

"No baby of course not, I love you and only you." I said

"Then tell me the truth." She said

"I cant." I said and she pushed me against the car and lifted up my skirt.

"Baby." I whispered as tears started running down my face

"I need some space." She said and walked away. I ran after her

"Cher please come back." I said

"Toni just leave me alone, I need some time to think. How long has this been going on?" She asked

"4 almost 5 years." I said looking down

"Wow and how long have we been together!" She said

"3 years." I said looking down

"I'm gonna go for a walk." She said walking away. I just sat there and cried.

Eventually I went home and straight up to my room and cried myself to sleep.

Hope you guys liked my first part and plenty more to come.

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