Chapter 11

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Cheryl's pov

Before we headed home, Archie, Sweet pea, and Josie got into it. It was bad,they were all at eachothers throats all because of a rumour that's going around. We all pulled up at Toni's house and they still were arguing. They were so loud they both mine and Toni's parents called a family meeting. We all went to the living room and sat down in complete silence.

"So what's all of this commotion about?" My mom asked

"They were fighting because of some crazy rumor going around school." Jug said

"So what's the rumor?" She asked

"Sweet pea and Josie wee dating, but some vixen said that Josie was messing around with Archie." I said

"Are you?" She asked Josie

"Of course not, Archie's my friends and I would never do Sweet pea like that." Josie defended herself

"Ok problem solved." She said

"That's what I was trying to tell them." Fangs said

"Would you not." Archie said

"Bite me." Fangs said

"So over the top, no wonder why Toni didn't want us to tell you about the rape or the pregnancy." Archie said while some of them was trying to get him to stop.

"What was that?" Toni's mom asked

"Nothing." Archie said and I could tell Toni was mad and sad.

"No, no, no. Come again?" She said

"We all might as well tell them now. Ok so um, Veronica had this party and we all went except for Jughead, Cheryl, Fangs and the siblings. Toni was raped and we found out she was pregnant. A month to be exact." Archie said so fucking fast I barely caught up, but I knew what he said and my blood was boiling. How could she keep this from me? Why did she lie?

"Is that true Antoinette?" I said getting up and facing her

"Umm." She said as a tear slipped from her eye

"Answer me!" I yelled and she nodded making her siblings get up

"I need to go." Toni sayed getting up and grabbing her keys

"You aren't going anywhere." Tommy said taking her keys and standing infront of the hall way

"Who knew?" Tiana asked and Betty, Archie, Veronica, Kevin, Jason, Polly, Josie, and Sweet pea raised there hands

"My own fucking boyfriend?" Fangs said getting angry

"We had no choice, we made a promise. Something that Archie clearly broke." Veronica said glaring at him

"My fucking brother and best friend kept this from me?" I asked looking at both of them tearing up

"We didn't want you to do anything stupid sis." Jason said and they all looked down

"Don't get mad at them, I told them not to tell you all because I knew how y'all would react. I was ashamed of myself because I couldn't stop him. So we all made a promise to not tell any of you. And that day in the auditorium before we came we got some tests and they came out positive. So the next day we went to an appointment and it turns out I was 4 weeks and now I'm a whole month. I was going to tell all of you, but I was ashamed that you guys would leave." Toni said crying

"So please give me my keys so I can go out and go for a drive." She said and Tommy handed her keys to her and she left

"We all should just go home and get some sleep. We'll meet back up here at 11 sharp." My mom said and everyone who didn't live here left.

I got home and instantly went into my room and cried. I was so mad at myself because did the things that I did let this reflect on Toni. If we were together this wouldn't have happened.

"Hey Cher, can I talk to you for a moment?" My mom came in and sat down beside my bed

"Yeah." I said wiping my tears

"This isn't Toni's fault for what happened, it's no one's fault but that boy who raped her and got her pregnant. Remember Toni's hurting, it's not easy going through rape. And everything that Toni's been through, you need to be there for her. Yeah she lied but she was protecting us from the truth. You can't blame her for it. And you can't blame yourself because of that. I know that you love her and want to protect her, but at the same time. Stuff like this can happen. Don't show that fool mercy, that he raped your girlfriend and now you are paying for it. No, you need to show him that you can still be here for her through it all." My mom said as she wiped my eyes and she did have a point. I need to be here for Toni.

"Thank you mom, I love you so much." I said giving her a hug and hanging onto her

"I love you too, Sweetheart." She said kissing my head and walking out of my room.

Veronica's pov

I got a text message from the group chat with only, Me, Kev, Toni, Betty, Polly, and Josie in it.

                Sistas from another mista

TT: I'm not at home right now I'm at the Lodge, I just needed some air and I'm safe.

Vero: Tones, we are on our way right there now. Please don't do anything stupid, just stay there.

Jose: Just remember that we are all here for you and that you aren't in this alone.

Kev: to take out minds off of things I got some snacks and that Mustard and peanut butter that you like and some movies and games to cheer you up.

PC: and if you ever need a pregnancy twin in here, we are going to help you get through this.

TT: thanks guys this means so much, I just need some time away from my house. Tell my mom that I'm sorry and Fangs and Cheryl too and Tell my siblings that I love them and I never meant to lie to them.

Betts: no problem, you are family. We are a family and no matter what we always love you even when shit like this goes down.


Whoops major spoiler..  what will happen next?!

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