Chapter 3

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Cheryl's pov

After Toni sanged her song I was really sad because she wouldn't come to me and she's been feeling like this. She ran off of the stage and there's only one place she would go and that's her secret room. Me Kevin, Veronica, Betty, and Fangs all went into Toni's house and to her room but it was locked

"Toni open the door please we can talk about this." Fangs said banging on the door.

"Betty do you have a bobby pin?" I asked

"Always." She said taking one out of her hair and handing it to me and I licked Toni's lock.

After a couple minutes I opened Toni's door and ran straight into her closet where her secret room is.

"Baby?" I asked crawling through the door to the room to see her cutting herself.

"Toni stop!" I yelled running to her and snatching the bloody blade away from her.

"Cheryl please let me, give it back to me, I need to do this." She cried reaching for the blade.

"Tones look at us." Veronica said and she looked

"You need to stop this, we are here for you. We are all here for you and we aren't leaving anytime soon. You have to stop this, I know you're hurting, I know your in pain. Dad doesn't want you to be doing this, I'm here. Listen to me, I know how it feels. You have to stop, I can't lose you, have you ever thought about how this affects us? How it affects mom, granny, gramp, Tommy, Cameron, Tiana, Tiff, Trish, Timothy, Ronnie, Kevin, Cheryl? How it affects me?." Fangs said while tears were streaming down his face.

"Well what am I supposed to do? I'm fucking hurt, I'm in fucking pain. All of you are now just noticing how I'm feeling." She said

"Baby please just stop this, we need you, your mom, sisters brothers, besties, friends, need you. I need you. Please." I said holding her hands crying hard

"I just can't take anymore pain, I can't fight anymore, I'm tired." She said

"We are here for you Toni, we always have been and we always will be. Promise us that you'll stop." Kevin said

"I can't " she said

"Well promise us that you'll at least try." Betty said

"I promise." She said

"We love you Toni." Fangs said as we all hugged her

"I love you guys too." She said

"What do we all do now?" Vero said

"We could just stay in here and spend time and have a sleepover." Kev said and we all agreed

"How do you feel about that Baby." I asked

"I'd like that." She said.


Me, Toni, Betty, Veronica, Fangs and Kevin are all in the secret room watching a movie and eating popcorn. Everything was fine until we hear Toni's mom yelling for her.

"I'll be right back guys, Fangs let's go." She said as the both left.

"What do you guys think they're talking about?" Kevin asked nervously

"I think Toni and her mom will have a little talk, hopefully Mrs.Topaz understands." Veronica says

"Yeah, Toni's been through so much in her life, and we are just now noticing about this. I can't even imagine what Toni must be going through. I really want to do something special for her, like tomorrow night I'll take her out and give her a promise ring." I said

"That would be so cute." Betty squealed

"I will go with you to pick out the ring and Veronica will stay here and distract her and everything. While the rest of us set it up. It could be like a forest setting and everything plus we have 2 free days so we could stay there as a group." Kevin say

"So its all set, Surprising Toni is officially a go." I says.

Toni's pov

Me and Fangs went downstairs to meet with my siblings, my mom, Cheryl's siblings, and her parents.

"Have a seat Toni." My mom sayed and I sat down next to Fangs'

"Honey we just want to talk to you as a family. Why didn't you tell anyone about what was going on?" My mom asked

"Because after dad died, I felt like I had no one, I was broken. He was the only person who understood me, besides grandma and grandpa. When I seen him hanging there not responding, I thought that is was my fault that he committed suicide. After I got really angry so I started to hurt myself to sooth the pain, I just had all of these memories come back about dad and I was so depressed. I didn't even get to say goodbye, he will never git to see me graduate, have kids, walk me down the aisle. Anything. I have a huge hole in my heart and it's going to stay there forever. I didn't want to tell anyone because I thought that you would get mad, or be disappointed in me and C.S.." I said as tears rolled down my face

"Toni, you can't continue to beat yourself up because of this. Dad is in a better place now. He's ok, no more suffering, no more pain. Yes I get that you and dad had the closet relationship there was, but he will always still be here. I'm the eldest and I don't like to see anyone of my siblings hurt especially you. Cuz you know I lay bullets, but dad loved you, he still loves you, and he will always love you. So stop beating yourself up." Tommy say

"I didn't mean to worry everyone, I just don't want to be hurt anymore." I said looking down

"I know sis and we all will help you through it." Tiff said

"Thank you guys so much, I don't know what I would do without you guys in my life." I said and hugged everyone

"I love you sweetheart and don't ever think that you can't come to me because you can. Me, Patty, and Clinton are all here if you ever need anything." My mom said and I nodded

"Also mom, Me, Cheryl, Betty, Veronica, Fangs, and Kevin are going to have a sleepover in my room." I informed her and she nodded

Me and Fangs walked back into my room into the secret room. The rest were just chatting.

"Baby?" I whispered in her ear

"Yes mi amour?" She asked looking down at me

"I love you so much, you one of the most important people in my life, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I apologized

"It's ok baby, I love you and I'm here for you so that's all that matters. Together forever and ever baby." She said

"Forever and ever." I repeated and kissed her

"I love you." I said to her

"I love you too." And with that we all were out like a light.

Awwww, so lucky anygay stay tunned for the next part and also comment.

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