"Who are you?"

Before the man speaks, he looks directly at you and smirks. He was signalling to play along.

"I'm her boyfriend. If you don't taje your hand off her this once, I'm afraid I'll have to call the authorities."

"Pft. Fine. Im leaving."

You felt more safe. Thanks to this dude. He was friendly.


"You're welcome. I hope that man doesn't bug you any longer."


"You seem a bit busy here. Would like me to help you or are you good on your own?"

"You know...i wouldn't mind having some company."

"That's great. So what do you need?"

"I need...jello!"

"Jello? That actually sounds tasty. I think I saw an aisle where they have ingredients and big size Jello. Follow me."

You follow him. As you did, you could feel a pair of eyeballs staring at you. For some reason, you felt calm about it. That's what crept you out. You decided to hold the lad's hand for a bit. That way it looks like you two are dating. Even the plan sounded dumb.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"I just feel I'm being spied on. Can I hold your hand til I leave?"

"Um...I don't mind...But it feels weird...sorry..." he looked very uncomfortable. This lad must be in his 18 as he isn't used to acting on his own. He seems so focus on public status. That explains why he tried to look intimidated with that man.

"Here it is. Which one do you want?"

"Oh. I want the red one."

"Ok. Let me just reach it-" the boy grunts a bit. He tried his best to reach it but someone grabbed it first.

"Here you Y/N." It was Karamatsu.

"Huh? Kara? What are you-"

"It's 2 already. So I came to check on you."

You checked the time on your phone. He was right. It's 2:16.

"I'm sorry I took so long Kara. We got ourselves into a situation. I promise it wo-"

"You can't keep such a strong promise. Also, 'we?'" He made this disgusted face.

"Oh. Um yes. This lad helped me from a man. You could say he just saved me."

"Oh really? Is there a reason why you are holding hands?" Karamatsu asked, glaring at your hand holding onto the boy's. His eyes acted like a knife, separating our hands.

"We just did it so the man won't sneak on us again. I'm terrible sorry sir. I'll leave your wife alone."

You frozed. "Don't worry. And I'm not married with anyone. You were a smart boy at helping me from that pervert. Stay safe. Good bye" you explained to him.

"Oh ok. Good bye!"

Then it got very quiet. You faced Kara, who looked a bit sad.

"Kara, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just happy you are safe. Now, let's go home before it gets too late."

"Kara, its only 2 in the afternoon."

"Why yes. Everyone is waiting for you."

"Matsuno Karamatsu, explain to me why are you such in a hurry?"

"....I will after we leave."

At first, no one said anything. The silence created a huge tension in the atmosphere. Thick enough to be cut by a butterknife. And that butterknife was Kara.

"I know I may have acted very overprotective these days." He sighs.

"..go on."

"I don't know what excatly gotten into me. After having so many situations occur around us, I don't think we are safe in this world. I mean, Yumi almost got attacked by a dog. If it wasn't for Oso, she...she.."  Kara was shaking. He had so much in his mind.

"Kara...Kara look out!"

"Huh? Ah!"

A truck beeps to get your attention.

"You see! I almost got us killed. I shouldn't think too much. But I should think about my family. They need me! I need them!!"

You realized that Kara was really streesed out. He works all day just to get enough money for us. He shouldn't force himself like this.

"Kara, you have been working hard these couple of days. You should take a break."

"That sounds lovely. But what if I can't pay taxes? Or the bills? Or afford the groceries we need? Or?"

"Kara. Where does this all come from? Is it because of what happened at the Music shop the other day?"

"...maybe... but I also was awared of something. Recently, a kidnapper has been out the loose. So I thought we were all in a greater danger than before. That's why I made sure my bruzzas come home on time. I just....don't want to lose them...." Kara struggled go keep his eyes on the road. He felt weak. You could tell by the tone of his voice.

It hit you. You might have just met that kidnapper at the shop. The boy was awared that it was him so he helped you out. That explains a lot. But does that mean that...

"Is that why you came to look for me? It wasn't exactly me taking a long time. You were just afraid I got kidnapped right?"

"...yes. I can't lose you. You are an important member of my family. You are my angel. I don't want you to be taken by someone other than me." Kara stays still for bit. He realizes what he just said that last part.

"Kara, did you just....omg!!!" You realized something else too. He glared at the you and the boy holding hands. Key word, glare. He even made a disgusted face. Which means...
"Were you jealous?"

"Whaaaaattt? Me? Jealous? Of what? And from who?"

"Matsuno Karamatsu. You sick liar. You know exactly what I mean."

"No I don't!"

"You were jealous of that boy being more attractive than you, weren't you?" You tested him

"Uh..yes, you caught me." Apparently, he thinks you're dumb.

"Do you see me as a dumb girl? You were jealous of me holding hands with him. I saw your face!" You blurted.

"Don't use my face as definition of what's inside me. So judgemental." He dramatically said. Pretended to be offended.

"Right. But my question is, why were you jealous?"




"Um....we're here. Let's eat some jello."

"You are so jelly."




Why hasn't it hit her? I mean, i don't want her to know yet but is she that oblivious? I guess she really doesn't like me. Ahh, it doesn't matter. At least she's home safe.

(A/N: this was poorly made. I'll try to do better at it. Maybe even make more scenarios. You guys can ask me for anything. Any requests? I'll see if I can do them. Thanks for reading and stay safe.)

Karamatsu x Reader (Single Dad AU)Where stories live. Discover now