5. Hunger for blood

Start from the beginning

So hungry, so very hungry. It has been 2 days since I last fed and I can feel my body getting weaker and weaker as days pass... How doesn't my family not feed for a while? How do they have so much luck with humans and feeding? 

"Tonight might be your lucky day," Josh spoke through his teeth as he scans the place keeping a sharp eye out for something to feed on. 

"The adults always have luck, this is our turn now!" Falcon growls, letting out a loud howl, walking left and right as he dodges the upcoming trees. 


We were walking for what felt like forever. 

"How long have we been hunting for?" Josh complains through his sharp teeth. "I want some fresh raw meat right about now."

"Me too," Falcon agrees.

"Be patient boys, one of you might have to carry me around in another hour's time if we don't find that trail. We've already been hunting for an hour," I inform, checking my watch.

"You'll be riding on Falcon's back this time," Josh says, beating Falcon as he opens his mouth to talk. "I already carried you that last time remember."

"All good," Falcon replies, his eyes fixed on the area in front of him, not budging an eye. 

"Hey Einstein, are you even listening to us?" I hiss.

"Will you both shut up? I have my eye on something over in the distance so shove a cork in it or I will," Falcon threatens.


We were following the trail and scent for a little over 40 minutes when we stopped and hid behind two of the larger trees in the forest when we see a boy & girl. 

Weird, not many walk at this time of night not even humans. 

The girl looks like she was struggling against the boy. Something's off... very off. 

I whisper to both Josh and falcon, "I don't want the girl, I want that man. He has fresh blood and great meat." My stomach rumbles louder, begging to be fed.

I take a good look at the girl, squinting my eyes, focusing on my vision and to my surprise it is Isabella. 

What the hell is she doing here? Why didn't she tell me she wanted to go for a walk especially at a place like THIS? Who is that man with her?

"She isn't human," Josh whispers harshly as if reading my thoughts. 

"What? Are you reading my mind or something? Thought werewolves don't read minds. And What the hell do you mean Josh? You didn't like her from day one," I hiss, getting real tired of his attitude, especially around Isabella.

"There's a lot you don't know about me. But yes she's a hybrid of some sort, her teeth are human. We need to get to know her. Who her parents are, everything!" Josh demands, his tone forceful.

"Calm your lil puppies down Joshy boy. There's no way she's a hybrid... Hybrids haven't existed for over one thousand year's so how can you be sure?" I demand.

"I'm bloody calm, calmer than you," Josh begins. "Look at her, even she doesn't know. She thinks she's full human but she isn't. Only a hybrid can ever be of such beauty. Face it Mark. Use your bloody brain numbskull," Josh growls.

"BOTH of you shut it," Falcon hisses once more.

I peak from behind the tree covering my face with my cloak seeing Isabella pushing the man away or at least knee him where it hurts. I keep my face covered as I run over to a nearby tree which wasn't as big as the other tree was but hid me well, so I peer again now closer to Isabella and man. I then use my speed to run dragging my claws along his stomach then placing my hand on his head twisting his head disjointing it from his spine killing him instantly as I drag the body with me while running off before Isabella could see or even recognize me. I lay the man's body against the tree sitting upright feeding off his blood with Falcon & Josh feeding off his organs filling our stomachs as Josh then urges us that we needed to go before we are caught out here in our forms.

"I'll meet you boys outside," I say as I use my super speed exiting the forest in no longer than a minute standing there waiting for Falcon & Josh to come out of the forest. Now the waiting game. 


As I wait I stand and pace back and forth for about 15 minutes. I'm ready to ditch these bastards if they do not turn up in 5 minutes. 

I'm getting quite sick of having to wait for them each time, they take too long. 

As I pace I feel something at my ankle nibbling at it. Just as I'm about ready to stomp on whatever it is I see it's only Falcon and his silly ways to let me know they were there. 

"I nearly stomped on your head you know," I said laughing.

"And maybe I'll eat you if you did," Falcon jokes.

"Ok love birds let's go," Josh spoke flat out as he walked.

"Wanna repeat that?" Falcon threatened. 

"Nope," Josh said running off.

"GET HIM!" I yell, laughing as Falcon and I run after him.

"I better head home boys, nice to see you both again," I state as I use my running ability to head home in no longer than 2 minutes. No one is home so I have the house to myself but I'm so tired so I might get some sleep. 

As I walk up the stairs, I notice the staircase seems to be a lot bigger than it was yesterday. Was it always this way or am I just too tired? 

After finally reaching the top of the stairs, I head into my room not bothering to change but staying as I am, laying down in my coffin staring at the ceiling until I fall asleep. 



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Do you think Isabella saw Mark? 

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