>>You thought what? They need time and everything is ok? No, Lavanya. This separation is forever and their destruction as a married couple is inevitable.<<

A gasp stopped Akash from talking further. Both looked at the direction and saw Khushi standing there, her face wet from tears.

She immediately turned around to run to her room, after both Akash and Lavanya had seen her.


Arnav drove back to Lucknow, with his head full of thoughts. He wanted to go to Khushi, hug her, love her. He wanted to put his head on her lap and apologize, and tell her how much he adores her. He wanted to say sorry again and again.

He wanted her back so badly, that every inhale of air into his lungs pained him. Arnav was about to have a panic attack, but he gave his best to concentrate on driving. He needed to go to Lucknow and check what the detectives have found out, and he needed to do it as fast as possible.


Khushi lay on her bed and cried. She cried her heart out. It was impossible to understand her feelings even if she tried hard to look at the reasons for her pain. Arnav was gone from her life. Wasn't this what Khushi wanted? Wasn't this her wish? She should be happy. She should feel free. So why the tears? Lavanya and Akash followed her but she locked the door, trying to hide her sorrows from the world outside. The loud sound outside her door vanished long time ago, but the loud sound of her sobs were still present. She didn't know why she cried but she did it and she thought about Arnav.


Lavanya was on Khushi's door again. She didn't knock, but she stood there listening to the possible sounds on the other side of the door. Manorama just left the place and even Mahendra was there for some time. Now he was talking to Akash in the office. Payal was already somewhere out of the house and Lavanya was more than glad to not to be forced to see her evil face. Much to her annoyance, Payal promised to come back tomorrow.

Just at the moment when she wanted to knock on the door, Akash walked upstairs and spoke to her.

>>How is she?<<

>>Still not opening the door.<<

>>I talked to Mr. Singh Raizada. You can go home if you want.<<

Lavanya shook her head immediately.

>>No, I've already talked to my family. They are ok with me staying here. I can't leave Khushi alone.<<

Akash smiled.

>>Nor am I. It seems, we are going to take care of her, right?<<

He walked a few steps to Lavanya till he reached her and she needed to look up to see into his eyes.

>>Yes. Yes we are.<<



Their words sounded like a promise. Like an oath. Lavanya and Akash shared a long look, while the air prickled around them. Something happened and their eyes spoke a secret language. Both didn't understand this language right at this magic moment, but they understood that something was about to change.


Mahendra saw Lavanya and Akash standing close to each other. It was clear that both felt something for each other. He sighed. At least someone was happy. It pained him to see Khushi suffer, but it also gave him hope.

Akash told him what happened and how she reacted. Mahendra knew he needed to let go, but there was still a small hope that everything will turn out to be ok in the end of this hard test that his children need to manage. God has sometime a weird way to show people that they belong together but in the end God wins always and Mahendra trusted the almighty to have everything under control. But sometimes, even the Creator needs a little help, right? Sometimes he choose people who help him to accomplish something. Whatever will come to his children, Mahendra knew, he would not push for their happiness. Everything happens for a reason and he was more than glad to have Khushi here to keep her healthy and safe. He could do some actions to get her to come to his house, but that was all he was willing to do. For now. Till God tells him to help, and then Mahendra will be more than ready to help.

But for now, he will not push Khushi back to Arnav. She definitively needed time and Mahendra wanted to give his daughter everything.

And Mahendra needed to help Arnav, too. That was for sure. Maybe Khushi and Arnav were separated, but Mahendra will not remove Arnav from his life completely because Arnav wanted him to follow his wish. Akash told him what Arnav wanted and Mahendra knew, he will do everything to help him.

Arnav was in Lucknow that was what Akash told him and Mahendra was gladly ready to see him, but he also needed to accept Arnav's decision till the right time comes to bring his children together. Actually, he wanted to respect their decision by not interfering. However, seeing Khushi alone and vulnerable broke his heart and awakened his fatherly feelings. He wanted to see his daughter happy. And he will. After he finds out what exactly she wants. Till then, he will take care of his other child who left his family, but will be part of it.



Arnav reached his destination late in the evening and immediately checked his mails. There were names and addresses listed from different people. Probably the friend list of NK. Payal's name was also on the list. He opened the next mail and saw NK's picture. He remembered his face as if everything happened just yesterday. The same ugly eyes were looking at him and Arnav fisted his hand seeing NK's disgusting features.

He checked the other mail again and saw everything he needed to find, all people on the list. Good. At least the detectives were able to find this much for him, even they were not worth the money they took for their services.

Then, he wrote an email to Akash to ask for help. It was hard for Arnav to ask for help, but he did it. He was a good man, who used to manage his problems alone, but now for the new situation, he needed some financial help and he didn't want to ask someone who is not close to him. It was enough for Arnav to use that connections to destroy Khushi's old neighbors. The people he asked then for support were only bonded through business connections. The next people who were going to be punished belonged to Khushi's closer family ties. That's why it was important to make their punishment personal too.


Few hours later, the money was send to Arnav and he was just about to spend the first amount on his next step. His uncle Mahendra send him more than needed, but it was okay because if Arnav needed ever again more, he won't need to ask Akash or uncle Mahendra for help again.

Parking in the worst place of Lucknow, Arnav checked his watch again and again. He waited for someone to bring him what he needed urgently and that wasn't easy to get.

The men knocked on his window and when he opened it, none of them spoke.

The man gave him a parcel, while Arnav gave him the money in envelope.

After that, Arnav drove through whole town for hours, in case someone followed him. Thank god, it was already dark and this darkness gave him protection till he reached his hotel room. Only then, when the door was locked, Arnav opened the parcel and found a new and fully loaded gun inside.

One day. Just one more day and someone will have to die. 


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