new beginning

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Hank POV
I look around as the sun hits my face
California out of all the places I could have chosen to live runaway to no live im eighteen it doesn't count as running away anyway I keep looking around until I find a nice place to stay I rent an apartment in Los Angeles apartments
I can live off my untraceable account for about to four years yeah four years is more than enough time to become a man and look for my mom
But I do have to change my look I don't want anyone to know who I am but I'll do that tomorrow today I'm going to get unpacked and settled in when I finished I heard knocking on the door I open just as the girls were about to run away
Mia: sorry it was supposed to be a ding dong ditch type of thing she tells me in a tone that had an embarrassment and nervous mix in it
Triana: she's nervous sorry it was supposed to be a prank sir...omg Hank venture she says once she raises her head to look at me and I realized that she's Triana Orpheus Damm she grew up well
Triana: umm  thanks
She tells me as I realize I said that out loud

omg Hank venture she says once she raises her head to look at me and I realized that she's Triana Orpheus Damm she grew up well Triana: umm  thanks She tells me as I realize I said that out loud

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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