1. The First Mission

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Paradise. That was one word Hannah often used to describe her home.
She lived in a mansion, on a remote island that no one knew about, that was owned by her father. It was even called Tracey island, which was the family name.
Hannah had 5 older brothers who she adored; John, Scott, Virgil, Gordon, and Alan, and a loving father named Jeff.
The only thing she was missing, was a mother. But Hannah's mother had died many years before, when she was just 2 years old.
Hannah had grown up without her mother, but her father was more than enough. He was as overprotective and caring as any mother would be.

Hannah's thoughts were interrupted when one of her brothers tried to drown her.
Gordon pushed Hannah down under the water, before releasing her and laughing loudly.
"You should see the look on your face" grinned Gordon, as Hannah rose out of the pool, spluttering, as she tried to rid herself of the water that had entered her mouth and nose.
Hannah splashed Gordon back in retaliation, but this only made him laugh before.
Virgil decided to join in the fun, so he swam over to them and splashed them both enthusiastically.
The three of them continued splashing water at each other until a shout rang out from one of the nearby decking chairs.
"Hey! You're getting me wet" complained Hannah's oldest brother, Scott.

Hannah looked at her brothers who were in the pool beside her, and they all shared a look, before purposely splashing Scott.
Scott leapt to his feet and glared down at his siblings.
"Oh that's it" he said, as he yanked off his wet t-shirt and prepared to jump into the pool.
Water fights were common on an island surrounded by water, and containing 3 swimming pools.
But before Scott reached the waters edge, their father Jeff came running over to them.
"We're needed at an oil rig fire in Russsia!" He announced.
This news changed the mood in an instant.
Those in the pool swam to the edge and pulled themselves out of the water. They grabbed their towels and began to dry themselves off as quickly as possible before putting on some dry clothes.

Hannah followed her brothers inside, and they all headed towards the main control room.
When they arrived, a strange looking man in blue glasses was already sat at the desk in his chair. His name was Professor Ray Hackenbacker, but everyone called him Brains, since he was the genius behind their secret organisation.
The boys made their way over to the side of the room, where their ordinary pictures had transformed into images of them in their Thunderbirds uniform.
The only Thunderbird member missing, was Hannah's second oldest brother, John, who was floating above the earth on Thunderbird 5.
Hannah didn't have a place beside her brothers, so she joined Brains behind the computer screens.

"Dad, what about Alan?" Asked Hannah.
Alan was the youngest brother she had, as he was only 2 years older than her. He attended a boarding school during term time, but spring break had just started and he was due to return home later that day.
"Don't worry, I've contacted lady Penelope and she is going to bring Alan home" revealed Jeff.
Hannah nodded her head, "O.K, well I'll see you soon".
"FAB" replied Jeff.
The boys stepped inside the tube with their name on, before disappearing from view and being transported to their rockets.

Hannah watched her family from the screens in front of them, wishing that she could go on the mission with them.
But Hannah knew that the possibility of this happening was extremely slim.
She was lucky that she didn't have to get sent away to school like Alan. But this wasn't a decision that she had made.
Hannah was born too soon, with a host of health problems, which is why her father had kept her at home, instead of sending her to school.
Hannah had lived on Tracey island for most of her life, and she couldn't remember ever living anywhere else.

The only people Hannah interacted with, were the ones who lived on the island, and lady Penelope, who was a frequent visitor.
Her friends were the children of those who worked for her father. Tin-Tin was the daughter of the cook and her father's man servant. And Fermat was the son of Brains.
Tin-Tin's mother Onaha, and lady Penelope were the closest thing to a mother that Hannah had ever known.
Hannah had never been given the chance to experience the outside world, and it was the only thing she wanted.

"They'll be alright won't they?" Quizzed Hannah, as she watched her family fly away in their rockets, from the safety of the control room.
Thunderbird 5 and Thunderbird 1 had been chosen for this particular mission.
"You ask the same thing every t-t-t, every mission they go on" replied Brains.
His stutter was something Hannah had gotten used to, so it never bothered her.
"That's because I always think of it, when they're flying away" admitted Hannah.
"They'll be back s-s-s, in no time at all"
"I know. But I still get worried"
"Don't worry, think about the p-p-p, good things instead. Fermat and Alan will be b-b-b, home soon".

"Yeah. I can't wait to see them, it's been months since I last saw Alan. I expect you're looking forward to seeing Fermat" sighed Hannah.
Brains smiled, "I have missed him".
"They'll be here later today, so I suppose I'd better go and enjoy my freedom while I can. We both know that Alan likes to stick by my side when he's here" replied Hannah.
"That is true. He likes to p-p-p, keep you safe"
"All my brothers like to try and protect me. I just wish that I could show them that I'm not some precious, weak thing. I am strong"
"You are"
"Thanks... I'm heading back to the pool. I'll see you later".

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